Chapter 12

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After school I got a ride from Mandy, we picked Steven up and went straight home. I went for driving lessons on the days my mom arranged for me and was going for my drivers permit soon. The guys would be arriving shortly, I told Steven about Mandy and Timmy. He kept teasing her saying she had a boyfriend. They made me laugh, Mandy was around my family a lot making her part of our family and she and Steven got along very well.

We made snacks; Steven even helped us. The bell rang, Steven ran to the door. "I'll get it!" he said and chuckled all the way to the door when Mandy followed him. I decided to stay put, it would just look weird if all three of us opened the door for them. When they entered, my eyes met Nicholas's and he gave me a warm smile I smiled back.

Timmy hugged me and playfully waved his hand through Steven's hair. "Hello Shelby, Steven this is my mate Nicholas, but we call him Nick."

Steven said hello to Nick and grabbed a hand full of snack, then excused himself. Nicholas looked at me and extended his hand for me to take it. "Shelby nice to see you again, how are you?"

I blushed and raised my eyebrow at him, shaking his hand. "Hello Nicholas, I'm good thanks." I didn't ask him how he was.

Timmy and Mandy looked at us and giggled, "What's with the hand shake guys?" He asked us.

Before I could answer, Mr.Blue laughed and answered Timmy. "Let's just call it myself and Shelby's thing." He winked at me and I nodded my head yes looking at Mandy who was giving me a playful smile. I tried so hard not to blush again, this guy was so smug.

We all sat outside on the patio, when Timmy asked. "Shelby, I saw the garage door open and noticed a kick ass car. I never pegged your dad as the racy type?"

"Well actually my parents bought the car for me, I'm going for my drivers permit shortly."

"Wow, just wow! You'll be rolling in style girl, that car is freaking amazing. Now you and Nick have even more to talk about, he loves Honda's it's his second favourite car brand."

We talked more about cars and I told them about naming my car Optimis Prime, Timmy and Mandy laughed their asses off. But Nicholas said he thought it was cool.

When Timmy and Mandy offered to get refreshments. Leaving me and Mr.Blue alone, I almost felt naked when he looked at me and smiled.

"So, Shelby, I heard we would all be going to the same school next year. What are your thoughts on it?"

"Uhm well I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, maybe it wouldn't be that bad. What do you think?" I wasn't going to tell him I thought it would suck being in the same school as my tormentors.

"I think it would be fine, there is after all enough space to accommodate more people."

"I thought you didn't like too many people?" I remember Kaz telling me her brother said that Nicholas only had Timmy as a friend and that he was very reserved.

He gave me another one of those breath-taking smiles. "Yes that's true, I'm not a people's person. But like I said our school is huge and there are classrooms not being used due to the lack of students."

"Oh okay, I get it." I gave him a small smile.

"Can I ask you something?"

"I'm confused, you start by asking me a question and now you ask my permission?"

For the first time he rolled his eyes at me, making me giggle.

"Okay fine you may..."

"I know it's none of my business, but is that douche still bothering you?"

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