Chapter 13

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The week went by fast, I got driving lesions every day after school. My driving instructor was super nice, he said I was a quick learner and assured me I would be ready by the time I had to go for my license. Mom after talking with him, let me drive to the shopping centre close to us and I got to drive myself and Steven to school. He loved it; he always had the stereo's volume turned up high when I dropped him off. I parked Optimis at Kaz's house, she lived across from our school and I didn't want to risk parking Optimis outside. The school only allowed kids with driver's licenses to park on school premises. My friends freaked out when they saw my car, they loved the fact that we could cruise in my car now. All of them, except for Amanda had their own cars.

When I was driving out of Kaz's house one day after school, Jessica and her evil sidekick was standing by Chase's car. They looked at me and shouted insults, I just ignored them I didn't need more of their attention. I picked up Steven and we went straight home; I got a call from an unknown number. I hesitated to pick up, but it could be important.


"Well little miss piggy, business must be good. Seeing as you could afford yourself some wheels. It can't be your drunk excuse of a father or your stupid mother who could afford to buy you anything."

"Fuck you Chase, how dare you? Insulting me is one thing, but you leave my parents out of your filthy mouth!"

"Fuck me, oh no thanks. I don't intend to touch you even with someone else's dick. I don't even want to think how many men went through you. You would beat hot dog buns, with all the wieners probably going through yours." he started laughing, I could hear girls laughing with him in the background.

"You know what, go ride of a cliff or something! Leave me the fuck alone!"

"Or what? What are you going to do, I'm pretty sure all the guys you fuck won't want to help you. They do pay for a service, not the other way around."

"I'm going to hang up on you now, just leave me alone!" Before I could hang up, he screamed in my ear.

"If you hang up, I will make sure that Jess and Nat make good on their promise to get to your little pussy ass brother! You hear me, Shelby?"

"I hear you! What do you want Chase? What would it take for you to leave me alone?"

"I want you off the face of the earth! Jess said you look happy, and I don't want you to be happy. I want you to suffer!"

"Why can't you just leave me alone Chase, I'm not in your way."

"Because you repulse me and I won't stop until I don't have to breath the same air as you, you stupid bitch!" And with that he hung up.

I was so upset that I threw my phone on the floor, not caring if I broke it. I couldn't understand why he didn't just leave me alone, and to make things worse him threatening to harm Steven was what upset me the most.


Inspiration struck me when we were watching a movie about Karate, convincing mom to pay for me and Steven to attend classes. I said that it would be a fun bonding activity for us and that it would benefit us in the long haul. She finally said yes, I did research and found a place close to us that doesn't offer Karate but Krav Maga. From what I could find on it, it looked exactly like what we would need to defend ourselves should those assholes try anything. I made an appointment, because according to the website it was by appointment only.

The day of the appointment came, I drove to the address. It was in a revamped warehouse, it looked like exactly the way you would picture these types of places to be. The lady at the front desk greeted me, I told her my name and she informed me to have a seat. I was busy admiring the rusty décor when a tall well-built guy came out and walked to me.

"Hello, you must be Shelby. My name is Ryan." He extended his hand.

I shook his hand. "Hi, yes I'm Shelby. Nice to meet you."

"Let's go to my office and talk." I followed him, he opened a door and motioned for me to walk first. "After you." I sat down at one of the chairs at the desk, he sat down too.

He looked very intimidating when he looked me in the eyes and asked. "So why Krav Maga?"

"Well, I thought it would be a fun activity to do with my little brother."

He looked angry. "Shelby Krav Maga is not a fun activity! I won't be able to assist you, but I will tell Janice at the front desk to give you the number of places where you can bond and have fun with your brother." He was starting to get up from the chair.

"No wait, please! I'm not looking to have fun okay. I need us to be able to protect ourselves and from what I've seen Krav Maga will help us do exactly that."

He sat back down. "Are you in trouble?"

"No, well we could be in danger."

"Then enlighten me."

"You look like a guy who takes confidentiality serious, right?"

He looked serious and gave me a have smile. "But of course."

I told him everything and why I needed me and Steven to learn this skill. He kept shaking his head, listening very intently and I had to admit it felt so good to tell someone everything. And I mean everything from the truth to the lies I was telling those around me who cared and why I lied to them in the first place.

"That's everything..." I said when I was finely done.

He cleared his throat. "Well, I can see why you chose Krav Maga. Okay so, you and your brother can start next week. Shelby, Krav Maga will test you physically and mentally." he got up to get something from a locker and handed it to me, it was pepper spray. "Carry this with you everywhere you go, I'm going to give you my private number. If trouble should find you, I want you to use the pepper spray and call me immediately. I mean it Shelby, do you understand?"

"I understand and I will. Thank you, Ryan, not just for doing this and giving me pepper spray; but for listening and offering to help." I knew he was getting paid to give training, but I felt like he was doing his job and more.

He wrote his number on a piece of paper and handed it to me. "You are welcome. Let's go get you the schedule."

The reception lady, who's name I remember was Janice almost choked on her coffee when Ryan told her to give me forms to fill in and the schedule. Ryan greeted me and left. What a strange lady I thought to myself as she handed me papers. "You can fill them in and bring them a long when you come next week." She explained the schedule to me and showed me where to fill in what.

I got into my car, feeling good. I opened the playlist Nicholas sent me on Spotify and pressed play. The song playing was Broken by Lovelytheband, it was one of those songs I could feel in my bones! I kept starting it over when it ended. When I got home, I sent him a text.

Me: So I finally listened to your playlist, well I actually only one was on repeat...

Nicholas: Really, and what song was that?

Me: Broken by Lovelytheband

Nicholas: Great song! How are you?

Me: I'm awesomely awesome! You?

Nicholas: Legendary, but you know that. See you the weekend?

Me: Ha, no I don't! And yes, see you then.

Nicholas: Cool beans.

I smiled at his cool beans text; this dude is starting to grow on me. 

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