Chapter 9

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I was currently sitting in Mathematics class, cursing for not understanding Algebra. I mean seriously why did I have to know that a2 – b2 = (a – b) (a + b) when was I ever going to use this? When the bell rung everyone got up and my teacher called me over to her desk. "Shelby, how can I put this? You are going to fail my class if you don't pull your socks up soon." before I could say something she put her finger in the air, indicating that I listen. "But I might have a solution, a tutor. Trevor! Please come here." she called him over, Trevor was one of the popular students in school. Good looks along with a brain, he was on the honour roll and had most of the teachers eating out of his palms.

"Yes mam?" he gave her a smile.

Her cheeks turning red, before she clears her throat. "Trevor will you please tutor Shelby here; she needs help more than you can imagine." they both started laughing like I wasn't even in their prescience. I just rolled my eyes at them.

"Yes, sure mam, I'll help." he then looked at me. "Meet me in the library during lunch."

I so badly wanted to decline his offer, but the realization that I did need help stopped me from doing just that. None of my friends could help me with Mathematics, I gave him a polite smile before answering him. "Will do, thank you." I waved at him and our teacher and left the classroom.

When it was lunch time, my friends caught up to me. Kazelynn put her arm over my shoulder. "Hey girl, let's go get something eatable at the cafeteria I'm starving."

"I'm afraid as much as I would rather go with you girls, I have to decline Kaz. I have to meet Trevor in the library, he is going to help me with Algebra."

They all started giggling. "Oh dear, well maybe he can succeed were we failed." Amanda said with a teasing expression on her face.

"Gee, thanks for that Amanda." I stuck my tongue at her and waved to them. "See you girls later."

They were still giggling and I heard Amanda shout. "But I still love you Shelby!"

"Yeah whatever!" I shouted over my shoulder.

Fifteen minutes into my lesson, I was starting to understand maths a bit better than before. And the equation Trevor gave me wasn't too hard to solve. I smiled when he said it was correct, he was a good tutor. He gave me some more to solve, he helped with a few of them. "Thank you, Trevor this is really helping me a lot. I owe you."

I was busy with the last equation when I felt his hand on my leg, I froze until his hand went up my skirt. I jumped up in shock and looked at him with anger written all over my face. "What the fuck was that? "Some of the students looked at us but I couldn't care less, the fact that he touched me was all I cared about.

He looked at me and put his hands up in defense. "Hey, no need to get upset, I was just thinking that you could pay me back in favors. I'm not sure how you do this, but we can arrange whatever's good for you." he winked.

"I'll show you upset!" I slapped him on his cheek. "Here's me doing you a favors, if you EVER touch me again, I'll fucking kill you!"

He gathered his backpack and shook his head. "You know what good luck passing Math class, you cock teasing cow." he spun around and marched out the library.

I looked at the students whose eyes were all on me. "Show's over folks, go back to whatever it is you were doing!" I gathered my books and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I sat in one of the bathroom stalls crying, I felt so cheap. When the bell rang, I waited until the bathroom was empty before exiting the stall. I was rinsing my face with cold water when Jessica and her friend Natasha along with two other girls entered the bathroom, when they saw me they smiled like they had won the lottery.

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