Chapter 4

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Jess was busy throwing herself a drink when she looked up at me. "Hey Shell, want one?"

"Sure, I might as well. Make it a strong one." I winked at her.

She gave me a wicked smile and poured us Whiskey on ice. She handed it to me. "Bottoms up then!"

We did a quick cheers before downing our drinks, I could feel the alcohol burn from my throat all the way down to my stomach. She took the Whiskey bottle and poured us another, handing me my cup again. "Geez Jess slow down, just this one then I'm done for now."

She giggled. "Ah okay mom, stop being such a party pooper!"

"Ha ha whatever, let's go choose some decent music to dance to. Chase has no taste in music!"

"You'd think by now he would have learned that house music is so overrated!" she said laughing.

We danced, Chase joined in along with his mates and their girlfriends. Word really got around about Chase's party the house was packed. Jess shouted over the music that she was going to get us another drink.

While we danced, I felt a pat on my shoulder, when I turned around, I saw it was Miguel and he was with a girl who was hanging on his arm. Oh man he probably didn't know Jess would be here too.

"Hello Shelby, how's it going?" Miguel hugged me. I looked around to see if I could spot Jess, she was playing beer pong thank heavens.

"Hi Miguel, well thanks and with you?"

"You know me, I'm great. I see Jessica is having fun." He looked to where Jess was busy downing beer like her life depended on it.

"Yeah, so you decided to come?" I motioned to the blond standing next to him, totally oblivious to everyone as she was looking around.

He smirked. "It's my mate's party, of course I would be here." He looked to Chase. "What's up dude, care to show me where the booze is at?"

"Hey man, you bet your ass I will." He gave me a kiss. "I'll be back soon."

"See you later Shelby." Miguel said to me and motioned for his arm candy to walk.

Nice now I'm on my own among people I barely know. But that wasn't going to stop me, I danced to the music enjoying the rhythm. It wasn't long till I felt arms come around me, it was Chase. When Heaven from Kane Brown came on, I smiled at Chase, while we close danced, he sang the words in my ear. It was perfect, until we heard shouting and curses from the pool tables side.

We got to the source of the commotion, I was honestly not surprised that it was Jess and Miguel. They were bound to bump heads tonight; I just didn't expect Jess's hands around Miguel's 'friends' arm.

"Get your hands off me bitch." blondie screamed at Jess.

Miguel was trying to get Jess off of said girl, I looked at Chase and I was glad that he could read my mind. He got Miguel away from Jess and I put my hand on her shoulder. "Jess let go please, it's not worth it."

She looked at me and then back to blondie. "Okay fine, but if I see you around again, I'm going to mess up your face tramp." It was probably the way she looked when she said it, cause the moment she let go blondie ran out.

I turned to Miguel and Chase; Miguel looked pissed. "Nice Jessica, she didn't do anything to you!"

"Ah shame poor Miguel, go screw yourself. How could you just move on, really makes a girl feel special!" She spat in his face, oh she looked so pleased with herself as she did it.

He used his shirt to wipe the spit off his face and gave her a glare that if it could kill, she would be six feet under. It made even me uncomfortable, I couldn't help but look around to the crowd that had formed around us. "You know what I'm so done with you Jessica, have a nice life!"

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