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We were all done gathering supplies for today so we decided to look for a hiding spot. While we were walking in the hall Yuna called out "lets hide over there."

 We all turned our heads to what Yuna was pointing at. Yuna was pointing at a spot under the stairs, there was a door that was there but was camouflaged with the wall without a handle.

 "How did you know there was a door here, its not noticeable." I asked quite confused. "That's because this is my hide out when i'm sad."

 "Why do you need a hide out when your sad?" everyone agreed with Ningning's words. "Because if I'm sad and show it to everyone they will pity me but not understand my feelings. so whenever I feel sad I always come here to cool down."

 Yuna looked down, we all hugged her since we or I knew how it felt. We organized our stuff then were fully ready for this night.

 The lights turned off, we heard a voice on the intercom say "Let the games began" after that everything went silent.

 All I heard was footsteps coming from the stairs. I was so scared cause I thought the stairs were gonna break.

 After hours the intercom said "Margot, Lina, Olivia and Sam has been caught." I was so glad that they were not anyone from our class.

 The intercom turned on again and said "Kim-Li, Annabelle, Fiona and Katie have been found." Hours and hours have past and more students have been caught.

 The more it was closer to dawn the more I got worried that the stairs would break. Each of us had a turn to sleep, finally it was my turn.

 At first I couldn't sleep but then I slowly fell asleep. When I woke up I saw Ningning, Winter, and Ryujin dead on the floor.

 I saw Yuna crying in a corner I went to her and said "Yuna what happened, why are they all dead?" I tried not to cry.

 "They all died because of you, you wouldn't wake up so they got sleepy and the guards opened the door and killed them. So now their dead."

 My heart stopped, then Yuna jumped on to me and killed me. I woke up breathless and saw everyone alive, I was sweating a lot and the others noticed it faster then me.

 "Whats wrong and why are you sweating" asked Winter. "I-I h-had a n-nightmare." After responding I hugged them all tight.

 After the hug I said "Ningning it's your turn to rest" Ningning nodded and we all took turns. I kept on thinking if my dream was a warning for me to wake up or if it was just my imagination.

𝐁𝐲𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞.

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