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19 3 13


ɴɪ-ᴋɪ'ꜱ ᴘ.ᴏ.ᴠ

We picked up I few things then went in the storage room for more. We were so caught up with getting supplies that we didn't check the time.

 While I was looking for more food the lights went out. The intercom turned on and said "Let the games began." We all panicked since we didn't hide.

 I felt someone pull my wrist, it was Sunghoon. "Come here I found a spot we can hide at" he pulled everyone's wrist into a big closet.

 I was about to tell him that this is so obvious but he gave me a 'don't you dare talk till this is over' look.

 I decided to shut up since I didn't want to make noise. Everyone fell asleep except me. I couldn't sleep since I didn't want to get caught.

 Name after name everyone kept getting caught. Suddenly the guards came in the room. I looked for something that could hold the closets door I found a broom then put it between the handle.

 If your confused on how that's possible this closet has two handles in the inside and outside. I patted on Beomgyu's shoulder trying to wake him up.

 Thankfully it worked. "The guards are in the room." I whispered. He nodded then woke the others.

 There was two guards in the room but now one. He was coming closer to the closet making me and the others try there best to make sure he doesn't come in.

 He tried opening it and it was very hard to hold on any longer. We all let go and thought this was the end for this group.

 Then the lights turned on meaning it was dawn. The guard left and we all celebrated. We barley survived. I was breathless. I laid on the ground. Then slowly fell asleep.

𝐁𝐲𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞.

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