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17 3 16


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We all decided to hide in the music room. It might sound stupid at first but we have a reason. In the music room there's a hiding spot that's very well hidden.

 The place was full of tons of plushies but when you go behind the plushies there's a huge cabinet that could at least fit eight Yeonjuns.

 Its very well hidden, making it be forgotten by the teachers. We grabbed our stuff then went inside.

 All of us got food to help us survive, meanwhile Karina got blankets pillows, chocolates, candy and way much more.

 She made the whole cabinet cozy and was very cute. All of us fell asleep except Yeji. She said she will wake us up half way through then go to sleep.

 We all agreed. While I was dreaming peacefully , a huge sound came in my dream. It was Yeji's voice, she kept saying "WAKE UP".

 I first I was confused on why she was saying that until it hit me, I woke up and saw everyone looking at me. Yeji sighed then went to sleep.

 " Why'd you wake me up from my peaceful dream." I said while rubbing my eyes. "Because it wouldn't be fair if you got the most sleep out of everyone."

 Hyunjin said jokingly. I was about to say something till someone started talking from the outside. It was one of the guards.

 It was all silent if you ignore the noise from the outside. A few minutes later I heard snoring, LOUD SNORING.

 I turned my head to see Yeji snoring peacefully. Well I hope its worth getting caught. A guard heard the noise and Karina quickly put her hand over Yeji's mouth.

 Even though it didn't make her completely silent, it made her silent to the fact the guard couldn't hear her. 

When the guard left the room Karina let go of her hand. Hyunjin gave her a fierceful look. "Why are you looking me like that." Karina whispered.

 "You could have killed her." Hyunjin was so close to actually talking then whispering. "Well be grateful I didn't." Karina sticked out her tongue.

 Gosh these two are like kids. While they were fighting the intercom said " Congrats for those who are still remaining."

 Everyone including Yeji lit up. I saw Felix sleeping then said "HEY WHY DID HE GET TO SLEEP." Everyone looked at what I was pointing at then started laughing.

 "He was probably tired of us fighting." Said Hyunjin jokingly. I was happy that we survived the night, I hope we survive the rest. 

𝐁𝐲𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞.

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