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 ─── ⋆♡⋅❤︎⋅♡⋆ ───

Soyun fidgets with her fingers anxiously as she stands in the small courtyard of her high school, shifting on her feet. She lets out a long sigh, her entire body feeling tenser than it ever had before. Soyun had spent the entire day just trying to work up the nerve to leave that letter, and then to actually show up at the meeting spot she had chosen.

"You know, if you wanted to see me, you could have just said so." Sunoo says with a small laugh from behind her, Soyun turning with surprise. She grins at the boy, watching him intently as he steps towards her. 

He actually came, she wasn't sure he would when she left that note in his locker at lunch. Sunoo was famous around their school for rejecting every person that said they had a crush on him, which Soyun never understood. He was handsome, kind, and he was really smart in all of their classes. He was even in a few school clubs. Girls were always talking to Soyun, trying to get her to give him their number. He always just threw them out, not caring enough to accept any of the proposals.

"You came." Soyun says, looking up at Sunoo as he leans against the brick wall next to them. His long dark brown hair hung over his eyes, the boy running his fingers through the strands a couple times. 

"Obviously, you left me a note that said 'Meet me in the courtyard' with no name on it. I would have died of curiosity if I didn't come." He says with a teasing smirk at the girl, crossing his arms over his chest. Soyun feels her face warm, looking down at her feet as she tries to work up the nerve to say what she wanted to say. She had been planning this all day, but now he was in front of her.

"Sunoo, I have something I really need to tell you. I don't want to graduate with any regrets" She says quickly, fidgeting with the hem of her uniforms skirt. Sunoo frowns as he looks at the visibly nervous girl in front of him, pushing away from the wall. 

They had been friends for a couple years now, Sunoo had learned how to pick up on Soyun's feelings. It wasn't difficult, but he always found himself teasing her. He liked seeing how red her face got when he was standing a little too close, or when his hand would accidentally brush hers as they walked home together. She was cute when she was nervous, but this was different. She looked genuinely anxious.

"Is everything okay?" Sunoo asks, stepping closer to the girl. Soyun's head snaps up, her eyes startled as she sees just how close he's gotten. Their gazes meet and they both go quiet for a minute, Soyun taking a deep breath. 

"I like you." She practically shouts at the boy, Sunoo's eyes widening briefly before he regains his composure. 

"I like you too, Soyun." He says with a friendly smile, patting the top of her head in that condescending way he always did. Soyun frowns, stepping out from under his hand. Sunoo glances at his hand as it hangs in the air for a second before dropping it to his side, she had never avoided his touch like that before.

"No, Sunoo, I like you." She says, watching Sunoo's eyebrows knit together in a deep frown. He tilts his head to the side as he looks at her, adjusting the straps of his school bag on his shoulders. It was starting to feel like he was imagining things, there was no way she felt the same way he did.

"What do you mean?" He asks slowly, almost like he really didn't understand. Soyun rolls her eyes, gritting her teeth for a moment. She was starting to almost get annoyed, there was no way he hadn't noticed that she had a crush on him. The girl thinks for a moment, trying to figure out how she could make it more obvious. 

With every part of her shaking with anxiety, Soyun takes hold of Sunoo's collar. She pulls the boy down, their lips connecting a second later. She feels him tense slightly, but he doesn't try to pull away. Sunoo doesn't have time to react before Soyun releases him, both of them standing with wide eyes. Soyun couldn't believe what she had just done and Sunoo still hadn't fully registered that she had kissed him, his hand flying up to touch his lips. 

"That's what I mean." Soyun says, her entire face turning a bright shade of red. Sunoo looks at her, not really sure how to respond. He watches the girl's face drop slightly as she looks at him, her eyes glazing over in a way he had never seen before. Sunoo's face didn't have the look that Soyun wanted to see, his feelings didn't match hers. He looked scared, almost sad.

"Soyun-" Sunoo starts, his voice cracking slightly as he tries his best to compose himself. Soyun searches his eyes for a second before she looks away, letting out a long breath. The boy panics when he sees her eyes glaze over, realizing that she misunderstood.

"I see, I guess that's my answer." She says, looking down at her feet. Suddenly, she looks up at Sunoo again. He freezes under her gaze, Sunoo didn't recognize that look in her deep brown eyes.

"I'm sorry for telling you the day before graduation, please forget I said anything." Soyun bows, turning on her heels and walking away. She knew that she would probably never see him again, a single tear rolling down her cheek as she walks over to the school parking lot where her sister was waiting for her. Sunoo just watches her go, still in a daze. 

"Shit." The boy mumbles, shaking his head slightly. He practically runs in the same direction that Soyun had gone, frantically looking for the girl. Sunoo starts to walk towards the car that he recognizes as her sister's, just wanting to tell her that she's wrong. Silence wasn't his answer, he needed to tell her how he felt.

"There you are, Sun." Sunghoon says with a smile, throwing his arm around the other boys shoulders. Sunoo shrugs his friends arm off, looking back in the direction that Soyun had gone. 

"Dammit." He says when he sees that the vehicle is gone, the boy scowling.

The next day, Soyun isn't at their graduation ceremony. Sunoo goes around asking everybody he can if they've seen her, each person simply shaking their heads or telling him that they hadn't been able to get ahold of her either.

"Didn't you hear?" Heeseung asks when Sunoo approaches him, standing next to his friends that were about to graduate. "Soyun left yesterday, she's gone." 

─── ⋆⋅𖤓⋅⋆ ───

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