1 ✮ Who are You Again?

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↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
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~✮ Y?N POV ✮~

I felt my reality dissolve into fragments, each piece swirling around me like a chaotic storm. Colors blurred and shifted-a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues that danced around my disoriented form. I tumbled through this dizzying void, unable to grasp onto anything solid, my voice drowned out by static crackling in my ears.

The sensation of falling seemed endless, a never-ending descent into the unknown. My stomach churned with a sickening mix of fear and disorientation. As I plummeted, flashes of light and shadow streaked past. It was like being caught in a whirlwind of sensations, where up and down lost all meaning.

Suddenly, the ground rushed up to meet me-a firm, slightly bouncy tiled surface that jolted my senses. I landed in a heap, limbs tangled and head spinning. Gasping for breath, I groaned in pain, trying to make sense of my surroundings amidst the lingering chaos.

As I struggled to sit up, the colors continued to swirl, now settling into a strange palette of neon colours. It was as if I had landed in a glitched-out version of a circus?

Amidst the confusion, I heard a faint voice-a girl's voice, filled with fear and uncertainty. "W-w-where?" she stammered nearby, echoing my own disorientation. Before I could respond, a bizarre sequence of events unfolded, as if this couldn't get any weirder...

A flying eyeball narrowly missed my head, causing me to instinctively duck and curse under my breath. The girl's frantic footsteps echoed around me, followed by an odd thumping sound that reverberated through the tiled floor.

Looking around in a daze, my eyes widened in confusion and disbelief. A potted plant materialized, clipping into the ground with glitchy distortions. Then, I noticed other figures -one by one, each more bewildering than the last. What kind of a dream is this...?

First, the girl in a jester that fell with you jumped back from the clipping plant, yelling as she stumbled into view. Next, a tall purple rabbit and a chess piece-like man collapsed nearby, followed by a female silhouette made of swirling red ribbons, all tumbling like dominoes.

The chaotic scene unfolded like a bizarre circus act gone awry, leaving me struggling to make sense of the digital mayhem. The girl in the jester outfit backed away, accidentally bumping into me. Her eyes pleaded for answers, mirroring my own confusion and sense of displacement.

"I'm just as lost as you are," I mumbled, my head spinning from the surreal encounter. The digital circus world seemed to defy all logic, and I realized something was really wrong, this didn't feel like a dream anymore.

The purple bunny, now fully standing, addressed someone named Caine about mine and the other girls arrival.

"Caine, are these one of your NPCs or are they a new sucker? 'Cause if there new characters, we're gonna have to redo this whole theme song," he said with a large grin that contrasted with his ominous tone.

"I'm not doing that again," a woman's voice responded. I turned to see this new person-a jumble of odd shapes put together in a humanoid form. She had a body, arms, legs, and a head that resembled a turned-right-angle triangle with eyes stuck on.

Then, a man with teeth for a head flew in, his eyes inside his mouth.

"My my, it appears two new humans have entered this realm!" he exclaimed, gesturing with his cane toward the jester girl and me before pointing dramatically into the air.

The jester girl struggled, pulling at the skin around her eyelid as if trying to rip her skin off, "How do I... take this... headset off!?" she exclaimed in frustration.

"Just keep grabbing at it. That worked for all of us," the purple bunny said sarcastically, smirking at the girl's efforts.

The jester continued her frantic attempts, inadvertently tugging at her eyes and mouth instead. When she gave up, her features snapped back into place, making her head wobble comically.

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