6 ✮ Big Bully

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                                            ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴ' ᴅɪꜱʜᴇꜱ - ʀʜɪᴀɴɴᴀ
                                                          ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
                                            0:00 ───|────── 0:00

                                            ~✮ Y/N's Perspective ✮~

Every day in this bizarre digital circus felt like a twisted repetition of the last.

There was no sense of time, no daylight to distinguish morning from night. It was an endless cycle of waking up in a place that felt simultaneously familiar and alien.

Caine's incessant games grated on my nerves, each one more nonsensical than the last.

It was as if he reveled in our confusion and frustration, feeding off our bewildered reactions.

And then there was Jax... ugh.

Always lurking nearby with his snarky remarks and annoying antics.

Dealing with him was like trying to hold onto sand - the more you tried to grasp, the more it slipped through your fingers.

But amidst the chaos and absurdity, there was one constant: Gangle.

I found myself constantly reassuring her, offering a comforting presence in the midst of this madness.

Yet, even as I comforted her, I couldn't shake the feeling of being lost myself.

My diary became my sanctuary, a place where I could pour out my thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment.

Each entry was a lifeline, a way to hold onto the fragments of myself in this bewildering world.

Yet, despite my efforts to cling to some semblance of normalcy, each day blurred into the next in an endless cycle of repetition.

Any waking moment free I had, I would spend wandering around, desperate for some semblance of normalcy.

But I wouldn't get far before Caine would teleport me back for another game, another round of absurdity.


I step out into the main area, the vibrant colors assaulting my eyes as I rub them, still groggy from just waking up.

The circus tent feels oppressive, suffocating, like it's closing in on me with each passing moment.

"Wakey, wakey sunshine, ooh your not lookin to good" someone taunts, and I sluggishly turn around to see Jax towering over me, a smirk playing on his lips, hand resting on his hip.

It's always him, isn't it? The constant thorn in my side, the source of endless irritation.

I've had enough of him, of his constant jabs and barbs, of the way he seems to revel in making my life more difficult.

Enough is enough.

Fully awake now, I straighten up, determination coursing through my veins like a raging river.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I snap, my voice sharp with frustration.

"You're always attacking me, or Gangle, or literally anyone! I'm fed up with your s$%t!"

I close the distance between us, my finger pointed squarely at his chest, pushing him back with each word.

"I don't want to be here, and I know for a fact you don't either," I continue, my voice rising with each word.

"So you either f%$k off, or never speak to me again. I don't need this bulls#$t this early in the day."

The words hang heavy in the air, a challenge issued with unwavering resolve.

I stand there, heart pounding, uneven breathing, waiting for his response.

I was prepared for the worst.

A punch to the face, an absolute screaming match – anything to release the tension that had been building up inside me for days.

But what I got made my blood boil even more.

He was slightly shocked, his smug smile faltering for just a moment.

But he didn't want to drop his ego, of course not.

So he smirked back at me, that infuriating smirk that I'd come to despise.

"Nah, I think I'm good, princess," he said, his tone dripping with arrogance.

"If the only thing I find humorous here is annoying you, then I will continue to do so."

His words were like fuel to the fire of my anger.

My face became unreadable, my eyes dropping to the ground as my snarl turned into a deadpan expression.

Without another word, I strode up to him, my fist swinging before harshly colliding with his jaw.

The impact sent him off balance, giving me the perfect opportunity to swing my leg into his, causing him to fall to the ground in a cartoonish manner.

The satisfaction I felt was fleeting but intense as he landed with a thud.

I breathed heavily, adrenaline coursing through my veins as Ragatha ran up to me, pulling me back with shock evident on her face.

"Y/N! What are you doing!?" she exclaimed, her tone angry but also, strangely, proud.

She whispered a "good job" before releasing her grip on me and walking over to help Jax up.

As he wiped his bottom lip, a drip of black liquid seeping from it, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction.

That must be the equivalent of blood in this world, I assumed.

He snarled at me, a mix of pain and anger evident in his expression, before Ragatha pulled him away to talk to him privately.

Deciding that it was a good time to retreat, I turned and walked away, the adrenaline slowly fading as I wandered off into the depths of the circus.

I needed some time alone to process everything that had just happened, before Caine inevitably called me back for another game.


~ ✮Jax's Perspective✮ ~

I lay on the ground, still reeling from the unexpected blow Y/N had delivered.

As I looked up at there towering figure, a mix of annoyance and admiration surged through me.
Damn, they looked kind of hot right now.

They stood there with an air of confidence, there posture erect and unyielding.

There was a fire in their eyes, a determination that I hadn't seen before.

It was... impressive.

There facial expression was unreadable, a mixture of anger and defiance.

But underneath the anger, there was something else – a hint of vulnerability, mabey?

It was subtle, barely noticeable, but it added depth to there otherwise fierce demeanor.

There body language spoke volumes, each movement deliberate and purposeful.

They stood with there fists clenched at her sides.

But what struck me the most was the fact that they was the first person to stand up to me like this.

Most people were to scared of me to do anything or avoided confrontation altogether.

But not Y/N, huh


Ragatha pulled me over as I watched Y/N stride away, my muscles still sore from the unexpected blow she delivered.

Damn, that girl had some strength.

"Jax, they have a good point, you know," Ragatha said, her tone slightly disappointed.

I furrowed my eyebrows, expecting her to be on my side.

"You are always picking on everyone, and it does get really annoying. Sure, it was fine for a while, but now it's just annoying. Can you just stop being such a bully?" she continued, her frustration evident.

I pondered her words for a moment, considering her perspective.

"Why should I?" I finally responded.

"It brings me joy, can't you see? Why would I stop that?"

She looked at me with even greater annoyance, and I couldn't help but smirk at her reaction.

But she quickly continued, not giving me a chance to interrupt.

"Look," she began, taking a deep breath. "I'm not saying you have to drop your entire personality. You're allowed to make comments here and there, and even piss people off from time to time. But just do it less often."

I sighed annoyedly, feeling a pang of guilt for the first time.

"And why should I listen to you?" I challenged.

Ragatha took another deep breath, her expression serious.

"Because... I'm scared that if everyone's emotions get too out of control, whether it be annoyance, hatred, or even anger, it will take a toll on us faster, causing us to abstract quicker."

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut.

Would that actually happen?...

But now that I thought about it... it made sense.

"Okay... fine," I conceded begrudgingly, realizing that she had a point.

Ragatha's face lit up with relief. "Thank you, Jax!" she exclaimed, starting to walk away before pausing and turning back to face me.

"Oh, can you pretty please apologize to Y/N? We really don't need you two hating each other."

I stared at her deadpanned, feeling a bit annoyed by her request. "Dude, that's asking a bit much," I protested.

But Ragatha wasn't backing down. "Pleaaaaase, Jax," she pleaded, crossing her arms and giving me an annoyed look.

I sighed, feeling like I was giving in to her too easily. "Ugh, fine," I relented, knowing that arguing further would be pointless.

She smirked triumphantly before turning around and mumbling something under her breath.

"I think you'll like them once you get to know 'em."

I rolled my eyes, feeling a mix of irritation and curiosity about what Ragatha had in mind.

But for now, I had an apology to deliver – whether I liked it or not.


sos for the horrible update schedule lol 
just been a bit busy recently and metal health is far from its peak rn 🤩
I'll try uploading more frequently so thank you to my readers!

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