5✮Plastic Food

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                                                         ~✮ Y/N POV ✮~

I watched as the others returned to the main area of the circus tent, the vibrant colors and chaotic atmosphere assaulting my senses.

Seeking a brief escape, I gravitated towards a large colored block and slid down its smooth surface until I reached the ground.

The cool sensation against my back offered a momentary respite from the surreal surroundings.

Closing my eyes, I blocked out the overwhelming visual cacophony of the circus tent.

The incessant noises and kaleidoscope of colors were disorienting, leaving me feeling unsettled and out of place.

However, my brief moment of solace was abruptly interrupted by Caine's sudden appearance, swooping in with his usual mix of confusion and joviality.

"Now, what the heck happened around here?" Caine's voice rang out, reflecting his bemused expression. "Oh yeah... my doing." His tone shifted seamlessly from bewilderment to amusement.

Meanwhile, Kinger held onto Zooble's head, while Jax and Gangle rushed over to Caine and Pomni, their urgency palpable as they engaged with the eccentric figure.

I remained seated in the corner, observing the unfolding scene with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.

Kinger's worried voice echoed through the tent as he addressed Caine about Kaufmo's abstracted state.

"Caine! Kaufmo went through a sort of Kaufmosis and abstracted!" Kinger's concern was palpable, his eyes wide with apprehension.

Caine's response was one of genuine surprise and slight dismay.

"Kaufmo abstracted? Why didn't anybody tell me?" His usual jovial demeanor momentarily overshadowed by genuine bewilderment, Caine snapped his fingers with a flickering motion.

With a snap of his fingers, Caine summoned the abstracted Kaufmo over to him.

The transformed figure emitted a low growl of discontent, a wave of coldness washing over the tent as the opening closed, sending a shiver down my spine.

Meanwhile, Zooble's body, now reassembled, approached Kinger to collect their head and reattach it.

Zooble's voice carried a mix of sadness and disbelief.

"Man, I can't believe Kaufmo just gave up like that," Zooble muttered, their tone reflective.

"I mean, no offense Kinger, but I always thought you would be next."

Kinger responded with a touch of gratitude. "Thank you," he said, clearly relieved by the unexpected outcome.

Jax's characteristic sarcasm wasn't far behind.

"Guess it just goes to show you can't rely on Kinger for anything."

I couldn't help but scoff in annoyance at Jax's comment, drawing his attention as he spun around to see what had caught my attention.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped at the sight behind him—the glitched Ragatha crawling towards Caine, her voice stuttering and glitching in distress.

"I am in so much pain!" Ragatha's glitchy voice was a stark contrast to her usual composed demeanor, her glitching form adding to the surreal scene unfolding before us.

Caine swiftly intervened, snapping his fingers with practiced precision to reverse the glitching effects on Ragatha and Pomni's hand.

As Pomni inspected her hand with a mixture of confusion and relief, Ragatha stood up and positioned herself next to Pomni, her posture rigid and her gaze averted, clearly not pleased with the situation.

Pomni's eyes darted towards the floor, avoiding eye contact with Ragatha altogether, their discomfort palpable.

"I do have to apologize for lying about the exit," Caine admitted, his jovial demeanor momentarily faltering.

"I knew how much all of you have been wanting there to be one, but, you know, I was having so much trouble figuring out what to put on the other side and ended up never quite finishing it. And you know how I never like letting people see my unfinished work—"

Pomni stood there, visibly worried, his expression mirroring my own sense of disappointment and uncertainty.

"Especially if it leads you out into the void," Caine continued with a touch of ominousness.

The void—a concept both intriguing and terrifying—loomed as a shadow in the back of my mind, a reminder of the unknown depths of this strange realm we were trapped in.

"Anyway, it looks like you defeated the Gloink Queen, so I guess the adventure's over. Your reward is a delicious digital feast cooked by our head Bubble Chef."

Bubble, adorned in chef attire, appeared next to a long table set with an array of digital dishes. The initial cheer in Bubble's voice faded as he added, "Made with all the love I'm legally allowed to give."

My furrowed brow betrayed my confusion. "What the hell do you mean legally allowed to give?"

Clad in chef attire, Bubble's cryptic remark about the food being made "with all the love I'm legally allowed to give" left me questioning the nature of this place.

It was a statement that seemed innocent enough on the surface, but upon closer inspection, it hinted at something darker lurking beneath the surface.

Jax took you out of your thoughts, "You know, I am pretty hungry."

Gangle, never one to shy away from honesty, chimed in, "You didn't even do anything."

You smirk at her answer.

"So what? I can still be hungry," Jax replied, his annoyance palpable.

Kinger, ever the voice of reason in this strange world, explained, "Well, not really, 'cause we don't need to eat, drink, or sleep in this digital world. So the digital food here only gives off the virtual sensation of eating without any of the nutritional benefits."

Jax, undeterred, commented, "Sheesh, lay off it. Since when are you an expert on the digital world?"

Kinger's response was as baffled as my own thoughts. "Expert on the what?"

The realization that Kinger seemed oblivious to fundamental truths about this world sparked a new line of inquiry.

Had he forgotten the nature of our existence here, or was his awareness eroded over time?

If Kinger, who had been with us for so long, could forget the fundamental truths of our existence here, what did that mean for the rest of us?

Were we destined to lose ourselves in this digital labyrinth, our identities and memories gradually fading into obscurity?

As Kinger's words faded into the background, Pomni's trance-like state caught my attention.

It was as if a veil had fallen over her eyes, obscuring her from the reality around her. 

Just as I was contemplating to go ask her I was suddenly teleported, off balance I look around, I was at the dinner table Caine was talking about?

I glanced down at my plate, a feeling of revulsion washing over me as I beheld the plastic-like food before me.

It seemed so out of place, so wrong in this surreal environment.

While the others conversed peacefully, I couldn't shake the sense of unease gnawing at my insides.

Pomni's forced smile, wide and unsettling, sent a chill down my spine.

It was as if she was trying to mask something beneath the surface, something dark and twisted.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I glanced around the table, seeking solace in the familiar faces of my companions.

To my left sat Gangle, her expression mirroring my own sense of discomfort, poor thing still had her mask broken.

To my right... ugh... Jax.

He sat with his usual air of nonchalance, wiggling his eyebrows in a gesture that made my skin crawl, "You gonna eat that?"

"No," I replied curtly, my voice tinged with irritation.

Before Jax could respond, I abruptly stood from the table, feeling a sudden urge to escape the suffocating atmosphere.

"I'm going for a walk," I announced, my voice firm with determination.

Ignoring the curious glances from my companions, I strode away, longing for just a moment of peace.


Sorry for the delay!
Schoolwork is finally catching up to me yk
Anyway! Hope you enjoyed!

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