3 ✮ Diary #1

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Dear Diary,

Today feels like a whirlwind of emotions.

I'm still trying to comprehend  everything that's happened.

This digital circus world, thing, whatever it is, is bizarre beyond belief, but somehow it's starting to feel oddly familiar. (I mean part from the neon colours and bright lights, ugh I hate them)

I've decided to start writing these diary entries to help me keep hold of my memories. It's strange that I remember so much when others seem lost. Maybe it's best to keep that to myself for now.

I can't help but think back to my childhood.

The weight of responsibility always rested heavily on my shoulders, especially after Mom's accident.

I became the guardian for my siblings, trying my best to be both parent and sibling to them. They were my world, and I'd do anything for them.

Mom's accident was a turning point.

It happened so suddenly, leaving us shattered. Dad was never around much, lost in his own struggles, so it fell to me to hold everything together.

My siblings looked up to me with those innocent eyes, unaware of the burdens I carried.

As time passed, I juggled school, part-time jobs, and the challenges of raising two younger siblings.

We had our good days, but there were nights when I'd lie awake, wondering if I was enough. If I could have done more to protect them.

And now, in this bizarre world, I'm confronted with strange characters? People? I dont fucking know, like Jax and Gangle.

Oh yeah, and we can"t swear (out loud) or this weird censor thing happens, I don't realllllly know why, I mean I would swear way more but the censor makes me sound silly lol.

Anyways, back to the character people beings.

Jax is... well, he's something else. His sarcasm and nonchalant vibe are both infuriating and strangely amusing. He seems to take everything lightly, unlike Gangle.

Gangle... she's fragile yet resilient. Her broken comedy mask is a metaphor for all of us, isn't it? Trying to hold it together when everything seems to be falling apart. I feel a kinship with her, an unspoken understanding born out of shared struggles.

Until next time,Y/N


Every three chapters there will be a diary entry, this is gonna give us like a backstory into there (your) old life

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