9 ✮Diary #2

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Hey Diary,

Guess where I am?

Yep, back in my favorite spot in the playhouse structure.

 It's like my own little sanctuary, I found it a little bit ago and I kinda love it now.

You know me, never been a fan of bright lights and loud colors.

So, this whole circus vibe isn't exactly my jam.

But here, in the shadows, I can finally breathe.

I got into an argument.

Didn't mean for it to happen, but sometimes emotions just take over, you know?

I promised myself I wouldn't let that side of me out again, but it's hard when the past keeps knocking at the door.

I can't shake this image of my sister, scared and helpless.

It's like a ghost haunting me, reminding me of the darkness that lurks within.

I never wanted to be that person, the one who hurts others.

But you know what they say,

"The abused becomes the abuser," and I can't shake the fear that it might be true.

But I refuse to ever do it again, even if it means I stop talking to the others.
Hopefully it won't get to that point aha...

Because I owe it to myself, and I owe it to her.

Ended up punching Jax. Yeah, I know, real mature.

I just hope I didn't hurt him too bad.

On a brighter note, I've been thinking about Ragatha lately.

She's pretty awesome, like the mom of our little circus family.
Makes me wish I had someone like her growing up.

Oh, and speaking of circus antics, Caine had us playing hide and seek with those bizarre janjunk creatures.

And guess who I got stuck with as a partner? Yep, Jax. Ugh, can't say I'm thrilled about it.
Sometimes I catch myself thinking he's not all that bad, but then he opens his mouth and ruins it. Seriously, the guy's got an ego the size of this circus tent.

You know what's been on my mind a lot lately? My memories.

They're slipping away, bit by bit, and it scares the hell out of me. They're all I've got left of who I used to be.
That's what your here for. To save my memories.


Truma Yay! 😄
No but seriously thank you so much for 75 reads it means more than anything.

The new candy ep chapter is next so get ready!

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