2 ✮ Gloink Glunks

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                                              ɴᴏ ᴡɪɴᴅ ʀᴇꜱɪꜱᴛᴀɴᴄᴇ - ᴋɪɴɴᴇʀᴇᴛ
                                                                  ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
                                                    0:00 ───|────── 0:00

                                                      ~✮ 3rd Person POV ✮~

Caine's eccentric excitement filled the air as he addressed the group, waving his arms dramatically. "Gadzooks, you're right, Jax! We should have a brand new adventure for our new members, Pomni and Y/N!"

Jax interjected with his characteristic sarcasm. "I said that, like, 5 minutes ago." Y/N chuckled at Jax's comment, finding amusement in his persistent annoyance.

Caine pointed directly at Y/N, his eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "You! Do you like adventure? Activity? Wonder? Danger? Horror? Pain? Suffering? Agony? Death? Disease? Angel food cake?"

As Caine listed off his array of possibilities, Bubble suddenly appeared and devoured the angel food cake that Caine had produced.

Caine's horror was palpable as he scolded Bubble, popping him in the process.


Y/N burst out laughing again, the absurdity of the situation overriding any sense of fear or concern they should have felt.

"Why are you laughing, shouldn't you be scared or something, like Pomni over there?" Jax remarked, gesturing toward Pomni who was staring off into the distance.

Y/N collected themselves, their laughter subsiding. "Nah, this is too unserious to not laugh."

Caine, undeterred by Bubble's interruption, continued his yapping. "Since you're new around here, we're gonna make it a simple, in-house adventure to warm you up to how things work around here."

Zooble expressed her dismay. "What? No, god! I don't want an in-house adventure!"

Caine reassured her with a mischievous grin. "Don't worry, Zooble. I'll make it something unobtrusive that you can still choose not to get involved with!"

Caine announced the day's adventure with flair. "Today's adventure is... Gather the Gloinks!" Y/N furrowed their eyebrows, puzzled by the name of the task.

"We're playing a stupid game and having to find some stupid glunk thing," Y/N remarked dryly, earning a laugh from Jax and a brief pause in Gangle's tears to chuckle before she resumed sobbing.

Caine's maniacal laughter filled the tent, briefly interrupted by Bubble's relentless questioning. Bubble's curiosity was abruptly silenced as Caine popped him mid-sentence. Again.

Y/N's jaw dropped in disbelief, followed by another bout of laughter. "Oh my f%#$@g god, this place is brutal!"

Everyone around Y/N smiled knowingly, even Jax couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Y/N wiped away tears of laughter, addressing Caine with a smile. "I'm sorry, Caine. Please continue."

"Gloinks are small mischievous critters that steal anything and everything they run into!" Caine explained enthusiastically.

"Why do these humanoid hash-browns do this? How do you stop them? That's for you to find out. Now, good luck, and have fun, my little superstars!"

As Caine disappeared in a cloud of digital sparkles, leaving the group to grapple with his enigmatic instructions, Pomni voiced her confusion. "What did any of that mean?"

Ragatha, ever the voice of uneasy reassurance, chuckled nervously.

"Oh, that's just one of Caine's little adventures. They're just... something fun to do to, you know, prevent us from going insane."

Zooble  flipped off the disappearing Caine. "Speak for yourself. If anyone needs me, then $%#! off."

She was abruptly cut off as Gloinks materialized and began stealing her body parts.

Zooble's cries for help echoed through the tent. "Oh God, oh jeez, NO! OH GOD! SOMEBODY HELP!"

Gangle gasped in horror, while Jax, in his typical sarcastic manner, remarked, "Oh no, they killed Zooble. Anyway, you guys wanna go get something to eat?"

Y/N shot Jax an annoyed look. "Mate, they just took Zooble, and you're thinking about food? Get your priorities straight, man."

Ragatha intervened with a suggestion. "Oh wait, we should go check on Kaufmo! I'm pretty sure he'd like to meet Pomni!"

Turning to Kinger, Ragatha extended an invitation. "You wanna come with us to check on Kaufmo?"

Kinger's response was less enthusiastic.

"No, not really. I think Kaufmo's gone insane. Last time I spoke with him, he was rambling endlessly about some exit. Kind of like you, Pomni! You might be going insane too."

Pomni countered with an intriguing possibility. "BUT WAIT! Wouldn't that more likely mean the exit DOES exist?"

Jax interjected with his usual cynicism. "Could also mean that you just have a jumpstart on losing your mind."

Y/N rolled their eyes at Jax's remark, which didn't go unnoticed by him.

Suddenly, Gangle's voice cut in softly from afar, her concern palpable. "Wait! What about Zooble!?"

Pomni remained resolute in her disbelief. "Well, I think I'd like to ask him about it, IF this was real, which it isn't, because it's a dream."

Jax, always ready to mock, adopted a sarcastic tone. "Heh, she still thinks this is a dream." His gaze lingered on Y/N, which made them uneasy.

(This is my fav jax line in the whole ep 😫)

Y/N, feeling the weight of Jax's intense stare, questioned him cautiously. "Uhh... why are you looking at me like that?"

Jax's response was cryptic with a smirk, "I'm fine with doing whatever, as long as I get to see funny things happening to people!"

A Gloink abruptly smacked Jax, causing him to yelp in pain. "Ow! Okay, I've already had enough of these things."

He points to Y/N continuing, "You, me, Ragatha and Pomni will go check on Kaufmo, which leaves crybaby and hoo-ha together to go handle the Zooble situation."

Ragatha couldn't help but comment on Jax's pairing choice. "Haha, do you think pairing them up together is a good idea?"

Jax defended his decision with characteristic sarcasm. "Of course I do. They're the two most mentally stable and capable characters to be paired together."

As Y/N observed Gangle and Kinger, Kinger's sudden violent shaking caused Gangle to step away cautiously, her expression one of mild fear. While Y/N smiled, on the verge of laughing again.

Jax, sighs before turning, "Come on, ladies, let's go harass the clown.", leading Pomni and Ragatha.

Pomni exchanged a scared glance with Y/N before following Jax alongside Ragatha.

Turning again to Y/N, Jax raised an eyebrow. "You coming dollface?"

Y/N's expression twisted in discomfort. "No, I am not. I'm gonna stay with Kinger and Gangle, thanks, and never. Ever. Call me that again."

Jax was momentarily taken aback by Y/N's assertive nature, smirking slightly in mild impressment before shrugging and continuing on his way.

Gangle expressed her frustration. "My comedy mask is broken again..."

Kinger jumped at the sound of Gangle's voice. "GAH! Oh, Gangle. You startled me."

Y/N walked over to Gangle, offering comfort. "It's okay. Once this is over, I promise to fix it. But sorry, I can't right now."

Gangle looked up at Y/N with teary eyes. "It... it's okay."

Y/N sensed a strong friendship with Gangle as they, along with Kinger, ventured further into the tent to locate the Gloink's hole, where Zooble had supposedly been taken.


Sorry the second chap took so long heh 

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