8 ✮Hallucination

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                                                             ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
                                              0:00 ───|────── 0:00

                                               ~✮Y/N's Perspective✮~ 

My vision glitched, flickering between reality and something far more sinister.

Instead of the vibrant colors and bustling activity of the circus, all I could see were swirling patterns of black and neon eyes, staring at me from every direction.

Exit doors materialized out of thin air, beckoning me with their ominous presence.

My hand reached out instinctively, searching for something solid to grasp onto in this sea of surreal darkness.

But as my fingers brushed against the air, I realized with a start that my body had fallen unconscious, leaving me trapped in this strange and unsettling dreamscape.

Undeterred by the lack of physical sensation, I pressed forward, guided only by the neon glow of the exit doors.

Each step felt like sinking into jelly, the ground shifting and pulsing beneath my feet.

The air itself seemed to thicken around me, suffocating me with its oppressive weight.

Dizziness washed over me in waves, threatening to pull me under with each faltering step.

I stumbled and tripped over my own feet, my movements clumsy and uncoordinated in this disorienting nightmare.

Anxiety gnawed at the edges of my mind, a constant companion in this strange and unsettling place. Why am I anxious?

The world around me seemed to pulsate with an unnatural energy, twisting and distorting before my eyes.

Claustrophobia crept in, the walls closing in around me with every passing moment.

I could hear nothing but the blaring static of my own thoughts, echoing endlessly.

Reality seemed to blur and distort around me, bending to the will of some unseen force. 

✮ Jax Perspective ✮~
As I watched Y/N from across the circus tent, a nagging sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach.

There was something off about them, something that didn't quite sit right with me.

They were sitting on the edge of the stage, their eyes wide and unblinking, their mouth set in a straight line.

They looked almost crazed, rocking back and forth in a way that sent shivers down my spine.

I hesitated, unsure of what to do.

Part of me wanted to go over and help, to offer some kind of support in whatever strange situation they had found themselves in.

But another part of me held back, a voice whispering in the back of my mind that it might be best to stay away.

Then, in an instant, everything changed.

Y/N's body went limp, falling from the stage and crumpling into a small, lifeless heap on the floor below.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched, a surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

I shot to my feet, ready to rush to their aid, but before I could even take a step, Ragatha and Zooble were already by their side, offering what help they could.

The rest of the circus seemed caught up in the commotion, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong.

As I watched Y/N's eyelids fluttering, glitching to black in a way that was all too familiar, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach.

This wasn't just a case of someone passing out from exhaustion or overexertion.

There was something deeper at play here.

I couldn't ignore the nagging doubts that lingered in the back of my mind.

Despite everything that had happened, despite the moments of connection we had shared, I couldn't shake the feeling that I couldn't trust them.

It was a bitter realization, one that left a sour taste in my mouth.

But in this world, trust was a luxury I couldn't afford.

I had learned that the hard way, and I wasn't about to let my guard down now.

As I watched Y/N's unconscious form being tended to by Ragatha and Zooble, I couldn't help but wonder what other secrets they might be hiding.

And as much as it pained me to admit it, I knew that I couldn't afford to let myself get too close. 

~✮ Y/N''s Perspective ✮~
And then, finally, I reached the exit doors, my hand trembling as I reached out to grasp the handle.

With a sense of relief flooding through me, I pushed open the door and stepped out into the blinding light of the circus tent.
My heart races as I bolt upright, a jolt of panic coursing through me.

In my disoriented state, I collide with something solid, the unmistakable sound of shattering glass echoing in the air.

My eyes snap open, and I'm greeted by the sight of Gangle's comedy mask lying in pieces on the floor.

"Oh no, Gangle, I am so sorry!" I blurt out, the words tumbling from my lips in a rush of guilt. Without a second thought, I scramble to my feet, my mind racing with thoughts of how to fix the damage I've caused.

As I hastily make my way out of the room in search of glue, well, that's what I want the others to think I'm doing, really I just wanted to get the hell outta there.

I'm very aware of the concerned gazes of my companions.

They watch me with furrowed brows and worried expressions, but I can't bring myself to face them.

The last thing I want is to have to explain myself, to try and make sense of the chaos that seems to follow me wherever I go.

So instead, I run.

I run as if my life depends on it, darting through the maze-like corridors of the circus tent with reckless abandon.

Left, right, straight ahead—I careen down each hallway with no destination in mind, guided only by the instinctual urge to escape.

The air rushes past me, whipping at my hair and stinging my cheeks with its icy chill.

My lungs burn with exertion, but I push myself to go faster, to go farther.

Anywhere but here, I tell myself.

Anywhere but surrounded by worried faces and personal questions.

I can feel the weight of their concern pressing down on me, threatening to suffocate me.

But I refuse to let it consume me.

I refuse to let their worries become my own.

So I keep running, my footsteps echoing against the cold, unforgiving walls of the circus tent.

I can't shake the feeling of unease that clings to me like a shadow, haunting every step I take.

Am I losing my grip on reality?
Am I already slipping into abstraction?

I find myself back in the familiar confines of my favorite hallway, the one with the crack in the wall that leads to the playhouse.

Without hesitation, I slip through the narrow opening and emerge into the dimly lit playhouse beyond.

Climbing up the familiar structure, I navigate the maze of netted passageways until I find myself in a secluded corner.

Collapsing onto my back, I let out a long sigh, the weight of the world pressing down on me with unbearable force.

As I lie there, the events of the past few days replay in my mind like a remix of songs, each scene more surreal than the last.

Exit doors appearing out of thin air, glitching visions of neon eyes staring back at me—was it all just a figment of my imagination? Or something more?

I reach for my diary, the pages worn and dog-eared from years of use.

Maybe writing it down will help me make sense of it all, help me hold onto my sanity for just a little while longer.


Sorry for this shit ass sorta filler chapter, yes its semi important but still
Im sick af rn so I have a huge ass writers block
I didn't want Jax and Y/n to become friends sooo easily so heh more angst and rivalry to come

Thank you so so so much for 50 reads!!! ALSO the new ep was soooo good, so after the next diary entry (also coming out today) I will be writing about the new ep!!!
Whos ur guy's new fav character from ep 2!? (Mines 100% Gummy Elephant)

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