18 ✮Back to Square One.

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                                                ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ ꜱᴀʏꜱ - ᴄʜᴀʀᴛ
                                                          ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
                                           0:00 ───|────── 0:00

                                             ✮Jax's Perspective✮~

One peek wouldn't hurt...

I think to myself as I stand outside Y/N's door.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about them all night, and let's just say it's driving me insane.

I think it's affecting me more because I haven't had this sort of... infatuation... with someone since... god knows how long ago.

Their presence is unsettling, but in a strangely comforting way.

Every time I'm around them, I feel a pull I can't explain. It's like they're a magnet, drawing me closer even when I want to keep my distance.

"Yeah, it's fine," I whisper to myself questionably before pushing the key slowly into the lock, attempting to be as quiet as possible.

The soft click of the lock turning echoes in the silent hallway, and I gently guide open the door and slip into the room.

The first thing I notice is Y/N peacefully asleep. Thank goodness. I don't know what I was going to do if they were awake, heh.

They're so... calming. They don't even have to be awake, let alone speaking to me, to reassure me in a sense.
Their hair is gently thrown across their face and pillow, chest rising and falling ever so slightly with the silent breaths they're taking.

I find myself mesmerized by the simple serenity of their sleeping form. For a moment, I just stand there, taking in the sight.

I shake my head slightly. "Focus, Jax," I whisper to myself under my breath.
Peering around, I notice a desk, not very decorated but considering they're still somewhat new, that makes sense, I guess.

Drifting over, I take a look at the different drawers. Hmm, what should I open first?

Grasping my hand around the cold handle of the first drawer, I open it gently with a click.

Gazing inside, I only notice the basics: pens, scissors, normal stationery stuff. Nothing interesting.
Rolling my eyes a bit in disappointment, I want to find more about you, Y/N... something personal.

And yes, I know it's wrong, but how else am I gonna get to know them?
Ask them to "hang out"? Hah, yeah right.

Opening the second drawer, I'm met with a similar sight. Ugh.
Then I get to the bottom drawer.

Kneeling down slightly, I open it softly. This drawer is empty, apart from a hint of black that glimmers at me from the back of the drawer.

Reaching in, my hands are met with a cold leather book.
Pulling it out gently, I glance over at Y/N. Still asleep. Good.

I bring the book closer, noticing it's a diary. My curiosity gets the better of me, and I carefully open it to a random page, my eyes scanning the words quickly.

 "I can't help but think back to my childhood."

 "I can't shake this image of my sister, scared and helpless."

"Or would it have broken down, realizing its existence was nothing more than a programmed reality?"

"You know what's been on my mind a lot lately? My memories.
They're slipping away, bit by bit, and it scares the hell out of me. They're all I've got left of who I used to be.
That's what your here for. To save my memories."

My eyes frantically search over the pages, searching for an answer. When? HOW? How on earth does Y/N remember their past? Who are you?...

Damn, and to think I trusted you, that you were just like the rest of us, someone I could relate to.

I throw the book back into the drawer quietly before rushing out, taking one last glance at their unconscious body.

Maybe you're not so perfect after all.


~✮Y/N's Perspective✮~

I yawn, waking up slowly. I had probably the weirdest dream.

I was being shunned away by everyone; nobody wanted to talk to me, or well, they didn't even know I was there.
Wherever I walked, people would immediately turn away. Ah, whatever.
Dreams are strange like that.

Getting up and out of bed, I decide to write it down in my diary.
Writing my dreams has definitely become a regular thing for me.

Reaching into my desk drawer, I feel around for my book, only this time, it's in a different position than I remember.

Instead of being placed at the back like usual, it's shifted to the front of the drawer... huh, weird. I must have knocked it yesterday or something. I brush it off as a random mistake, but a small part of me feels uneasy.

After finishing my writing, I exit my room, heading straight for the stage area, the impending doom of one of Caine's games waiting for me.

As I walk through the corridors, my mind drifts back to my dream.

Being ignored by everyone felt so real. It's a lingering fear, the thought of becoming invisible, losing my place among the others.
I shake my head, trying to push the thoughts away. I need to stay focused.

I reach the group of characters, who are waiting around and chatting.
Heading over to Gangle, we start to converse.
Her bright, upbeat personality when she has her comedy mask on is usually a nice distraction from the constant anxiety of this place.

She starts going on a tangent about her love for glue, and I start to lightly zone out, glancing around to see if Jax is here.
Huh, weird. He's usually lurking around somewhere.

Focusing myself back into my conversation with Gangle, I'm interrupted by a harsh slam into my shoulder.

Being slightly off-balanced, I step forward, only to look back and see Jax marching away from me.
He must have run into me as he walked past... what the hell?

What's wrong with him? I thought we were actually getting somewhere.
I thought I had started to trust him, I guess I shouldn't have assumed that.

I knew he was an asshole when I was getting into this; I should have seen it coming.
Well, back to square one, I guess. As rivals.

I turn back to Gangle, who has noticed my distraction. "Everything alright?" she asks, her voice filled with concern.

I force a smile. "Yeah, just... Jax being Jax," I say, trying to brush it off.

As I stand there, my mind wanders back to all the moments I shared with Jax recently.
Despite his rough exterior, there were glimpses of vulnerability that made me believe we were forming a bond.

But now, seeing him like this, angry and distant, it's like those moments never happened. It's confusing and frustrating.
Part of me wants to confront him, demand to know what's going on, but another part is hesitant.

What if I push him further away?


Tysm for 1.2k of BOTH my freaking books, your actually amazing 😻

yes I know my uploading scheduled is horrid but I just had a full weekend at comiccon so I'm still recovering lol (I got to see the glitch productions stand tho, they had pomni and jax plushies but they were hella expensive)
Not to mind having exams still (actully gonna kms)

BUUT I hope you like this chapter, you didnt think they would fall in love THAT easily right? Heh.

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