10✮Candy Carrier?

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                                    ᴅʀᴏᴡɴ ᴍᴇ - ᴊᴜɴɪᴇ & ᴛʜᴇʜᴜᴛꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ
                                                            ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺                                           
                                              0:00 ───|────── 0:00

                                                 ~✮Y/N's Perspective ✮~

I wake up in the playhouse, disoriented and groggy.

Must've fallen asleep here again, huh?

Rubbing my eyes, I take in the dim surroundings. It's dark enough that I don't need to adjust to the light.

As I stand up, preparing to leave, I'm suddenly knocked off my feet, teleported back into the circus.

Damn, I don't think I'll ever get used to that... Screw you, Caine.

Caine's voice booms overhead, announcing today's adventure:

"Candy Canyon Chaos!"

I look up at the man, the vibrant colors of the circus blurring my vision. What the hell is that?
Caine continues, "That's right! The Candy Canyon Kingdom's been robbed of their most valuable resource; maple syrup! It's up to you to bring the rotten bandits who stole it to sweet, buttery justice!"

Bubble joins Caine, tongue extended to sample some maple syrup.
"An entire kingdom of candy? Sounds sticky," Bubble remarks.

I can't help but giggle at Bubble's comment. He's starting to grow on me.Caine chimes in again, "Very sticky, indeed."

But Bubble's next comment is censored for 30 seconds, and everyone's eyes widen in surprise. I burst out into a quiet fit of laughter, finding the situation hilarious.

Caine, looking startled, exchanges glances between the us and Bubble. "Bubble, you can't say that."

I lean over to Gangle, unable to contain my amusement.
"Oh my god, that was priceless. Caine looked terrified." Gangle laughs with me, and I'm grateful for her sense of humor. It's moments like these that make the circus a little more bearable.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm, nope." Zooble says, walking away from us

"Zooble, wait! I-I'm testing out a new AI in this one! It should be 57 times more immersive!"

As Zooble strides away, Caine's voice crackles with desperation, his hands gesturing wildly as if to emphasize the importance of his words.

His eyes dart nervously between the departing figure and the rest of us, a hint of craze in his expression.

"Ooh, a new AI. You don't want to mess with the new AI, Zoobie?"

Jax's tone is laced with playful mockery, a mischievous grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

He leans in toward Zooble, his posture relaxed yet brimming with curiosity.

"Uh, yeah, no." 
Zooble's response is brief, their voice trailing off as they move farther away from the group.

Their steps quicken, betraying a hint of reluctance or perhaps skepticism.

Jax's shrug is casual, his shoulders rising and falling in a nonchalant gesture. His gaze lingers on Zooble for a moment before returning to the conversation, his expression suggesting a mixture of amusement and indifference.

"Whoa, sounds fun. What do you think, Pomni?"Ragatha's voice is gentle, her words carrying a sense of encouragement as she turns toward Pomni.

Her eyes sparkle with anticipation, waiting for a response that might mirror her own enthusiasm.

"So, our entire existence here... is just LARPing?"

Pomni's voice is tinged with disbelief, her words echoing with a mix of incredulity and disdain. Her eyes narrow slightly, betraying a flicker of frustration as she processes the implications of Caine's revelation.

"W-Well, uh-"

Ragatha's attempt to respond is interrupted by Caine's sudden appearance, his figure materializing in front of her with an air of urgency.

"Why are you all juststanding there?! The- The Canyon- C-Canyon Candy Kingdom needs you now!"

Caine's frantic demeanor is evident as he stammers out his words, his eyes wide with a mixture of panic and determination.

His hands tremble slightly, his movements erratic as he gestures toward the portal with a sense of urgency.

As the portal opens, a rush of energy fills the air, swirling around us like a whirlwind of anticipation.

The vibrant colors and pulsating lights seem to beckon, promising adventure and excitement beyond.

I stumble as I'm shoved into Gangle, the force of the push sending us tumbling onto the soft surface of a gummy elephant below.

Jax's smirk is unmistakable as he watches the scene unfold, his expression a mix of amusement and mockery, "Truly majestic Y/N"

I shoot Jax a glare before pushing myself upright, my mind racing with a mixture of annoyance and confusion. 

Majestic music fills the air as the Candy Canyon Kingdom comes into view, its vibrant colors painting a scene of whimsy and wonder.

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