16✮Diary #3

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Dear Diary, 

I don't know how to feel.

Every day here just makes me more confused and worried.
The uncertainty of this place, the ever-changing landscape, it's all starting to weigh on me.

And Caine... he's becoming less annoying and more... intimidating, to say the least.
Down in the pool rooms, when I was talking to that entity... it seemed genuinely confused when it was told it was an NPC.

Well, that makes enough sense, considering. But what would have happened if I explained it further? What would it do?

Would it become violent or give up? Give up hope on living?

I can't help but wonder if that's why Caine brought Jax and me back.
Maybe he didn't want us finding out.
He didn't want to lose control. It would be just like him to manipulate the situation to his advantage.

Hah, classic Caine.

Thinking back to the encounter, I remember the creature's eyes, wide and unblinking, filled with an eerie mix of confusion and menace.

The way it screeched, "YOUR SUPPOSSED TO BE SCARED," sent chills down my spine.

For a moment, I thought I could handle it, thought I could reason with it.
But when it started to lash out, I knew we had to get out of there.

What if I had stayed? What if I had pushed further, demanded answers?
I could feel the fear creeping in as I imagine the possibilities.

Would it have revealed something more sinister about this place, about Caine's control over it? Or would it have broken down, realizing its existence was nothing more than a programmed reality?

I can't shake the feeling that there's something more going on here, something we're not being told.

Caine's reaction, his frantic eyes darting around, trying to maintain his composure... it was telling.

He's hiding something.

Speaking of losing control, Jax.

Seeing him shout like that scared the living daylight out of me, well more like shocked. I didn't know he could be so... emotional? Sounds bad I know but it's not my fault the man doesn't want to open up to anyone.

Well, anyone but me.

How ironic, the two of us hate each other yet we have such deep discussions. Well, at least I think we still hate each other...

He's usually so detached, so guarded. But today, he was different. He was protective, not just of me, but of everyone. It made me realize that there's more to him than he lets on.

He's been kinder recently... and I couldn't say that I hate it.

Anyway, until next time, Ragatha is knocking on my door for some reason.

Wish me luck.



Shorter chapter today lolz, I'm lit writing this at school 🔫

A longish chapter will be coming in the next 1-3 days so stay tuned!
I have a big month this month with exams and concerts so uploading might get a little messy but ill try my best!

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