19✭ Haunt me with your lips

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                                     ᴍᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴀᴍᴀ - ᴄʜɪʟᴅɪꜱʜ ɢᴀᴍʙɪɴᴏ                               
                                                               ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
                                                 0:00 ───|────── 0:00

                                                  ~✮Y/N's Perspective✮~ 
                                       (strap in for this one guys - author)

"Alright, everyone!" Caine's voice booms through the area, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Today's challenge will take you to a haunted desolate city. Beware, for it's filled with traps and ghostly surprises!"

A collective groan rises from the group.
"Haunted? Seriously? Can't we get a normal challenge for once?" Pomni grumbles.

Caine grins, floating above us with an air of mischievous delight. "Where's the fun in normal? Now, let's see... Y/N, Jax, you two will be working together, Zooble and Pomni, Gangle, Ragatha and Kinger you'll be by as a three! Teamwork is key!"

I feel my stomach drop. Of course, Caine would pair us together.
I glance over at Jax, who's glaring at Caine with a mixture of anger and frustration. Great, just my luck.

"Great," I mutter. "Just my luck."

Jax steps closer looking down upon me, his jaw clenched. "Let's just get this over with."

"Wait! What's the point of this?" Zooble suddenly interruptus, speaking the minds of everyone.
"To escape of course!" Caine bellows with a wide... grin?

Caine claps his hands, and a swirling vortex of colors engulfs us.

The ground vanishes beneath my feet, and I feel a sensation of being weightless.
My vision blurs as the vortex transports us to the haunted city.

When the colors finally settle, we find ourselves standing in the middle of a deserted metropolis.

The atmosphere is strikingly eerie.
The city, once a bustling hub of futuristic technology, now lies in ruin.

Neon lights flicker sporadically, casting a haunting glow on the empty streets.
Holographic billboards display fragmented advertisements, their messages lost to time and decay.

The buildings, towering structures of glass and steel, are covered in vines and moss, nature reclaiming its territory.
Broken windows and rusted metal create an eerie symphony of creaks and groans as the wind whistles through the empty alleyways.

The air is thick with a sense of abandonment and loneliness, every corner hiding shadows and echoes of the past.

The cityscape is a stark contrast of vibrant colors and decayed remnants.

Bright, glowing signs in shades of electric blue, neon pink, and vivid green create an otherworldly atmosphere, their light reflecting off the slick, rain-soaked pavement.

Glancing around I don't fail  to notice that Caine has split us up already... great.

I flick on the small flashlight Caine had provided, casting a dim beam of light into the nearby alleyway.
The buildings creak as we move forward, the tension between us palpable.

"Watch out for that tripwire," I say, spotting the thin wire stretched across the street.

"I know how to handle myself, thanks," Jax snaps back, stepping over it.
Jeez, what has gotten into him.

Moving forward I take action by turning into one of the buildings, the glow of a show sign lightly illuminating the room.

Jax steps forward to match my stance before the floor suddenly gives way, and we both leap to safety just in time.

"Nice reflexes," Jax mutters, almost begrudgingly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13 ⏰

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