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                                ꜰᴀʟʟᴇɴ ᴅᴏᴡɴ (ʀᴇᴘʀɪꜱᴇ) - ᴛᴏʙʏ ꜰᴏx                                                         
                                                         ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
                                          0:00 ───|────── 0:00

                                          ~✮ Y/N Perspective✮~

Whirling down the tunnel, I feel a mix of fear and anticipation.

The walls blur past me, a kaleidoscope of colors and sensations.
Suddenly, I come to a halt, the firm ground underneath me confirming that I have landed.

I stand up slowly, disoriented.

The ground is damp and cool under my fingers as I brush off water from my skin.

I can feel the droplets running down my arms and legs, leaving a slick, cold trail.Where am I...?

I look around, trying to make sense of my surroundings.
The layout is similar to the level above: endless rooms connected without doors.

But this time, the walls are tiled in an unsettling, nostalgic blue. The tiles are old and cracked, some with mold creeping at the edges.

The smell of chlorine hangs heavily in the air, mingling with the musty scent of dampness.The floors are littered with pools of water, some shallow, others deep enough to make me wary.

The water is stagnant and still, reflecting the blue tiles above. It glistens under the dim, artificial light, casting eerie shadows that dance across the walls.

The sound of my breathing echoes in the vast, empty space.
Each step I take creates a soft splash, the water rippling outward.

The silence is oppressive, broken only by the distant, irregular dripping of water from unseen sources.We're going to have to walk through the water...

Snapped out of my thoughts, I hear people shouting from the tunnel.
The voices are muffled but familiar. It's Ragatha. Relief washes over me as I realize I'm not alone."Y/N?! Are you okay?"
"Yeah, come on down!" I call back, my voice echoing eerily in the tiled room.

I move to the side, making space for them to land.
The wet ground squelches under my feet, the water seeping into my shoes. I shiver, the cold starting to seep into my bones.

The first to arrive is Gangle, followed by Kinger. They both look as disoriented as I felt. Ragatha is next, her landing a bit more graceful, but she still ends up with water splashed all over her.

Though, I didn't think about the fact there was a second slide.The last thing I heard before being violently thrown into the water was Jax shouting... to get out of the way. Oop.

I feel the water hit my skin.

It's strangely warm, comforting even, part of me urges to stay under, to let the warmth envelop me and drown out the fear and confusion.

But before I can give in, I am abruptly grabbed back to the surface by Jax, who's also completely drenched.

He must have fallen in as well.

I grab onto his shoulders as we both cough lightly, catching our breath.
The water drips from his fur, mixing with my own wet skin. It's almost soothing, the warm water against the chill of the room.

Looking to my left, I see the others. They've now helped each other up and are looking around, equally disoriented.

The same unsettling blue tiles surround us, the same stagnant pools of water at our feet. The smell of chlorine is overwhelming, filling my lungs with every breath.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Ragatha asks, concern evident in her voice as she steps closer, her own clothes clinging to her from the water.

"Yeah," I manage to say, my voice shaky. "Just wasn't expecting that."

Jax lets out a frustrated sigh, shaking his head to fling water off his ears. "Well, that was fun. Everyone okay?"

There are nods and murmurs of agreement, though the unease in the air is palpable.
We're all damp, the water seeping into every fiber of our being.

The warmth of it is a stark contrast to the cold, oppressive atmosphere of the room.

"Where are we?" Kinger asks, his voice echoing slightly in the tiled space.

Straightening up, I pull myself away from Jax, nudging his shoulder and pointing further into the pool rooms.

"I reckon we just keep going. The floor isn't deep from then on," I suggest.

Jax nods in agreement before turning to the others. "Alright everyone, we're gonna head that way, so you're gonna have to get wet whether you like it or not."

Ragatha seems concerned but nonetheless gently hops into the water, the bottom of her dress quickly soaking through.

Pomni and Zooble get in slowly, helping each other with tentative steps. Ragatha assists Kinger, guiding him into the pool with careful hands. And then there was Gangle.

Everyone had already started heading off, Jax leading the way, but Gangle resisted, her ribbons trembling. Noticing her hesitation, I walk over, sitting on the ledge beside her. "What's up?" I ask softly.

She furrows her eyebrows, and I notice her comedy mask is long gone—must have broken on the way down.

"If I get in, my ribbons will untangle!" she says, bursting into tears, creating a small pool of her own.

I smile softly, feeling a pang of empathy. "I understand," I say, standing in front of her and motioning for her to hop on my back.
"Come on, I'll carry you. I'm not leaving my best friend behind."

Gangle hesitates for a moment, looking at the water with trepidation.
Then, slowly, she wraps her ribbons around my shoulders and climbs onto my back. The weight is surprisingly light, her form almost ethereal as she clings to me.

I step into the water, feeling the warmth envelope my legs. The tiles beneath are slippery, but I move carefully, making sure Gangle stays secure on my back.


~✮Jax Perspective✮~

As we wade through the water, the sound of splashing and our footsteps echo in the vast, tiled expanse. 

This is so stupid...

I'm leading everyone through these pool things, with no intended direction. I don't even know where we're aiming to go, let alone how to get there.

Looking back to glance at how the others are doing, I see Y/N... carrying Gangle. Something clicks inside me, and I don't know what it is.

They're actually helping someone, being nice, and they're both okay—no abstraction, no hard feelings.

I shake the feeling from me, leaving me stuck with my normal, cold self. I don't like the way I act around the others, but it would mean the world to me to have just someone to be close with... even Y/N.

No. No, I am not doing this today. I am not getting close to anyone and losing them.

Caught up in my own thoughts, I didn't hear Ragatha's cry to stop walking. Before I knew it, I was falling, spinning, drowning.

Water rushed into my lungs with unbearable speed, my body thrown in all directions possible.

The world around me became a blur of blue tiles and murky water, disorienting and suffocating. Panic surged through me as I struggled to find which way was up, my limbs flailing in the warm, chlorinated water.

I clawed at the water, trying to propel myself upwards, but the more I struggled, the more the water seemed to close in around me. My chest burned, my lungs screaming for air.

The sound of my own thrashing was deafening, a cacophony of splashes and muted roars.


~✮ Y/N Perspective✮~

I watched Jax fall, my eyes widening in shock. We all stood there for a good minute, trying to process what had just happened.

I walked up to Ragatha, Gangle still sobbing on my back. Ragatha looked at me, her eyes filled with worry.

"What are we supposed to do?" she asked, though it felt more like a cry for help from anyone rather than a question directed at me.

Bloody Caine...

I shook my head before passing Gangle to Kinger, who gladly helped her. Ragatha furrowed her eyebrows, sensing my intention.
"Y/N, please don't tell me you're going to—"

Her plea was cut off by the loud sound of a splash as I plunged myself headfirst into the deep hole where Jax had disappeared.

 The water here was different, colder, darker, and more humid. A thin layer of fog seemed to float in the air, giving the place a more menacing, eerie atmosphere.

I swam as fast as I could, water rushing violently onto my face. My heart pounded in my chest, each stroke filled with desperation and determination.

The cold water stung my skin, and the taste of chlorine filled my mouth, making me gag.Then, all of a sudden, I fell. Out of the water...?

I tumbled into another pool, hastily swimming to the edge and climbing out. Gasping for breath, I looked around, disoriented. It was only then that I realized I had fallen from a pool... in the ceiling.

How is that even possible...

I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. The tiled walls here were the same unsettling, nostalgic blue, and the floor was still littered with pools.

The smell of chlorine was overpowering, mixed with an odd, musty scent. Water dripped from the ceiling pool, creating an eerie echo in the room.

"Jax?" I called out, my voice trembling slightly.

There was no response. Panic began to set in as I searched the area, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios. I can't lose him, not like this.
He may be a pain in the ass but I know there's more to him then that.

"Jax!" I shouted again, more urgently this time.
I hadn't paid attention to it before, but there was a deep and subliminal growling. It seemed to come from all around me—the walls, the floor, the water.

I stepped closer to the pool, staring into the dark abyss below. That's when I saw it—a head?A head.

Though for the first time, I wished it had been Jax."What the hell... is that..." I whispered to no one, the sound reverberating off the walls.The growling became louder as the creature surfaced.

It seemed to be an extremely large woman. She had gray skin, no eyelids so her eyes were permanently kept wide open, and a large toothy smile plastered on her face. Her hair was black and disheveled, soaked and knotted from the water.

"YOU MUST BE HIS FRIEND," she screeched, latching onto the edge of the pool in front of me, causing me to leap backward.

I didn't dare respond, keeping my posture tall, trying not to look absolutely terrified.Only then did it occur to me what she had said... his friend? Jax!

"Where is he?" I stated, not going to take any nonsense from this waterhog of a threat.

She rolled in the water, chuckling slightly. "OH, HE'S LOONG GONE NOW."

Spinning to face me, she leaned closer. "HE RAN AGES AGO... SMART MOVE... YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THE SAME."

She then lashed out her long arm at me.
Taking that as my cue to follow in Jax's footsteps, I ran.

Sprinting through water was difficult, to say the least. It was like running in a dream—I just wasn't going fast enough.

Making my way around a tiled wall, I saw a staircase.
Sprinting faster, I went up the stairs, three at a time, before ending at the top, hunched over and taking deep breaths.

The air was different here, less humid, but still heavy with the scent of chlorine.

I glanced back, half-expecting to see the monstrous woman climbing after me, but she was nowhere to be seen. The only sound was the distant echo of dripping water and my own ragged breathing.

The walls here were the same unsettling blue, the tiles slick under my feet.
Pools still dotted the floor, but they seemed shallower, less menacing. I pressed on, my steps quick and cautious, ears straining for any sign of Jax or more threats.

I turned another corner and found myself in a large, open room. The ceiling was high, and the oppressive feeling of the endless corridors lessened slightly. I scanned the area, hoping for any clue, any sign.

Coughing out water, I looked up, spotting a hint of purple in the distance. Jax!

Without a second thought, I ran over to him. He, just like me, was catching his breath, probably from running from that thing.

I tapped on his back, causing him to spin around, ready to attack until he saw it was me.

His eyes searched mine frantically, unsure of what he was looking for. Before I knew it, I could feel his soaked body around mine, hugging me like I was the only thing left.

I stumbled back slightly before throwing my arms around him, reciprocating the embrace.He stepped back, coughing slightly. "This is stupid," he stated blandly, gesturing to the setting around us.

"Well, isn't that obvious? Caine is a complete idiot," I replied, crossing my arms and leaning against the cold tile behind me.

He sighed in defeat, coming to lean against the wall next to me.
Sliding down, he patted the damp ground beside him. I took that as an invite. Normally, I would be grossed out by the floor, but I was already too soaked to care.

So there we were, the only sounds being the distant running of water and the light pats of water coming from our dripping hair.

"Well, now what?" I said, slumping further forward."I... I don't know," Jax responded, almost questioningly, making me turn my head towards him."You alright?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing with concern.

Jax hesitated for a moment, his gaze fixed on the ground. "Y/N... about earlier... when you helped Gangle. You didn't have to do that."

I frowned, feeling a pang of confusion. "Of course I did. She needed help."

"Yeah, but... I don't understand. Why bother? Why go out of your way for someone else?" His voice was laced with a hint of vulnerability.

I shifted uncomfortably, trying to find the right words. "I guess... I just couldn't stand by and watch her struggle. It felt... instinctual, you know?"

He nodded slowly, his expression thoughtful. "I wish I could be like that. I wish I could just help without overthinking everything."

I tilted my head, studying him intently. "Why don't you?"

A bitter laugh escaped him. "Because... every time I've let myself care, every time I've let someone in, it's ended badly. I'm scared, Y/N. Scared of getting hurt, scared of losing people... It's easier to push everyone away."

My heart ached at his words, the weight of his pain palpable in the air between us.
"Jax, I get it. But shutting people out isn't the answer. Sometimes, taking that risk, letting yourself care... it's worth it."

He met my gaze, his eyes searching mine for reassurance. "You really think so?"

I nodded firmly. "Yeah. Because even if it hurts sometimes, even if things don't always work out... at least you're not alone. And isn't that better than pushing everyone away?"
I chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "Plus, I'd hate to see you miss out on all the fun we have here at the circus." I say sarcastically.

A playful smirk tugged at the corners of Jax's lips. "Oh, is that what this is? Fun?"

I grinned back, enjoying the banter. "Well, it's certainly not your average day job. Where else do you get to dodge killer swamp monsters and navigate creepy mazes?"

Jax's smirk widened into a full-fledged grin. "Fair point. And here I was thinking it was just another boring day in paradise."

I nudged him playfully. "Hey, you know you love the thrill of it all."

He chuckled, the tension easing from his shoulders. "Maybe I do, just a little."

We shared a moment of comfortable silence, the weight of our conversation dissipating into the air.
And then, almost as if on cue, Jax leaned in a little closer, his voice dropping to a softer tone."You know, Y/N, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to distract me from all the chaos."

I raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on my lips. "And if I was?"

Before we could say anything else, the monster from the maze appeared in front of us again, her expression a mixture of confusion and frustration.

"I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO BE SCARED!" she exclaimed, her voice echoing through the empty walls.

I exchanged a glance with Jax before shrugging nonchalantly. "Sorry, but you're just not that intimidating."

The monster's eyes widened in disbelief. "NOT INTIMIDATING?!"

Jax nodded, a smirk playing on his lips. "Yeah, sorry to break it to you. You're more like a... mildly annoying inconvenience."

She bristled, her frustration evident. "I AM NOT AN INCONVENIENCE!"

"Yeah you are, your not even real. Your just another b#%^&y NPC" I say confidently, crossing my arms.

She leans backwards into the deep water, "A.. What."

Before I could explain a surge of energy enveloped us, lifting us off our feet and hurling us through the air.

It was disorienting, like being caught in a whirlwind of chaos. I could feel the ground vanish beneath me, replaced by a sense of weightlessness as we were propelled forward.

For a brief moment, everything blurred together—a dizzying array of colors and sensations. Then, just as abruptly as it had begun, the whirlwind came to an abrupt halt.

We landed with a thud onto the hard surface of the circus floor, the impact jolting through our bodies.

I grunted as I hit the ground, my muscles tensing instinctively to brace for the impact.As the disorientation subsided, I pushed myself up onto my elbows, blinking to clear my vision.

Beside me, Jax was doing the same, his expression a mixture of confusion and annoyance.

I was disoriented and annoyed to say the least. I want to know what would have happened to that thing.

What would happen if she gained consciousness like Gummy Goo did?

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