15✮Had Enough

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                                             0:00 ───|────── 0:00

                                              ~✮Y/N's Perspective✮~

Looking up from the floor, I saw everyone—half-soaked and tired. They had towels around them and had seemed to be back for a while.

"You guys made it out?" I questioned quietly.

Pomni looked at me, her eye half-closed, and nodded.

I hummed in response and got up to my feet, before I noticed Caine a few meters away from the others.

Oh, I am going to fuck him up.
I started charging at him, but before I could, Jax was in front of me, his hand gently on my chest to stop me.

He took my place, charging at Caine. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" he shouted, standing in front of Caine, his fists balled, threatening to punch the man in front of him.

Caine's smile didn't waver. He looked down at Jax with a mix of amusement and detachment.

"Now, now, there's no need for violence," he said, waving a hand dismissively. "All part of the game, remember?"

"Game?" Jax's voice cracked with anger. "We almost drowned in there! You think this is fun?"

Ragatha stepped forward, concern etched on her face. "Caine, this is getting out of hand. We can't keep going through these... adventures. It's too dangerous."

Caine chuckled, shaking his head. "Dangerous? My dear Ragatha, it's all a part of the experience. You're all learning, growing. Isn't that what life's about?"

Pomni's weary eyes flickered with anger. "This isn't life, Caine. This is torture."

The group's varied reactions—Pomni's weariness, Ragatha's concern, Kinger's confusion, and Gangle's fear—created a tense atmosphere. Everyone was tired, frustrated, and on edge.

Caine's eyes darted around frantically, and he floated slightly backward in the air. His composure was replaced by a nervous tension.

"YOU COULD HAVE GOT US KILLED!" Jax yelled, stepping closer to Caine. His voice was raw with anger, and his fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

I had never seen him like this before.
He was normally calm or stubborn—hell, I'd even seen him sad—but this... this was intense. He must really mean it then.

"LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO Y/N!" Jax yelled, pointing at me, or rather, my back specifically.

Ragatha stepped forward and stood next to me. "Caine, Jax does have a point. They were pretty heavily hurt, even if they can't feel it." She placed her hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

I didn't know what to say.

Normally, I would make some witty comeback to Caine or even yell at him, but I was so unbelievably annoyed at him that I was stunned into silence.

Caine was still looking at everyone frantically, unsure of what to say for himself. |
Slowly, he floated up higher, now looking down on everyone.

Hmfp, him and his power-hungriness.

"Listen, I didn't anticipate things getting so out of hand," Caine said, his voice lacking its usual confidence. "This is all part of the experience. Challenges are meant to be difficult."

"This isn't just difficult, Caine," Ragatha interjected, her tone firm but controlled. "This is reckless. We can't keep going through these kinds of dangers without any support or safeguards."

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