5 : bully

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the bell rang and i grumbled, knowing full well what time it was. we got home late yesterday and lia was completely drunk. and this one ends up in my bed when she has one just 1 step away from mine.

but i don't know where she found the strength to get up all of a sudden and go to the bathroom. i was still in bed enjoying myself for a few seconds before i too got up and started making my bed and putting my things away. she got out of the shower after a few seconds and grabbed her clothes.

"Today, if you're late, say it's the seconds who asked you for their class. It always works." she said.

" you going to be late?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think I will." she warned me, "Find yourself a seat and put your bag next to you if it's jey or leo joining you or that Billie girl."

I threw a pillow at her and she laughed.

"Billie is really straight, I'm telling you this because I know gay in love and Billie will just break your heart." she warned me again.

"I'm not in love with billie I assure you."

But I can do this.

"Go get dressed Veloria will be by to do room rounds in a few seconds."

i went to my closet and pulled out a pair of light blue jeans with a white tank top and highlighted the Calvin Klein logo on my boxer shorts. i put on my makeup and added a brown lip liner with a little lip gloss that wasn't too flashy. with that i put on a pair of white jordans. i grabbed my school bag after putting my lip liner in my bag and grabbed my phone after putting on some perfume.

i got out of the room, locked it and tried to find my way around. all the timetables were on our phones on the school's website. i started today with history and quickly found the room and realized i was late.

i knocked on the door and it was opened after a few seconds. the teacher must have been in his forties and had wrinkled, flawed skin with a well-tied red tie and a blue suit.

"Sorry I'm late, the seconds asked me for their class." he agreed with a smile as if I'd done the best thing I'd done all year.

"see? at least she helped the seconds!" they all grumbled and others laughed knowing it wasn't true. "go and sit down, what's your first and last name?"

"dahlia cohen;" I smiled and he welcomed me and I walked over to Lia whom I had already spotted from a distance.

"it looks like one is later than me." she said handing me a coffee and I thanked her "I really like your style know it." she said drinking a little of her coffee.

"thanks for the coffee and thanks for the compliment." I smiled and we went back to class.


I was either completely brainless, or the teacher was talking nonsense.

I was now in English.

"You have one hour to do it, so get your pens ready!" he declared. I was about to get up and go with Lia, but he refused. "You'll go with Billie so she doesn't have to haggle poor James into doing everything for her."

"I don't want to be with her," Billie said, sounding disgusted.

i winced, i don't love her anymore

"billie don't be boring, go with dahlia." she sighed getting up to stand next to me.

i didn't speak and i didn't even offer to do anything so fuck her. 

"well, I have to do the work too." she said with a sound in her voice that was annoying.

"I don't need you to do it." i replied in a much drier tone than she did.

"change your tone. this is advice."

I looked at her like she was crazy.

"So, you're the nicest person to see me for the first time, you're smiling at me and now you're getting cocky? please don't talk to me."

 I felt pressure on my arm as she wrapped her hand around it.

"Who do you think you are hm? I can be your worst nightmare in a second, don't play dumb with me." 

she whispered and I watched her lift my arm from her grip.


 she didn't speak after that, just laughed. she was weird now.


classes were over and I just walked the halls.

most of the students were still in class, we were just lucky that our science teacher didn't show up in her room.

as i walked, i was just knocked over and pinned against a locker. a hand wildly wrapped around my neck and squeezed me.

seeing who it was, i gasped.

"miss me mama?" she tightened her grip and I tried to push her hands away. "I told you I don't like bitches. especially those who think I'm sweet."

"get off my back" 

she laughed.

"I could let you die in my hands if I wanted to. but as I told you I'm going to become your worst nightmare." she whispered in a horribly terrifying way.

she let go of my neck and watched me fall. i tried to catch my breath.

she crouched down and laughed.

"This is just the beginning, mama."  then she kicked me in the stomach before leaving me here.

fuck this bitch.

𝑴𝒀 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 // 𝑩𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑬 𝑬𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑯 G!PWhere stories live. Discover now