7 : thomas

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"Lia, I'm telling you I'm locked up. like door close and this shit!"

it's been hours, and I'm hungry and want to eat, but Billie locked the door.

"I'm going to ask the manager for your keys." said lia "this chick is fucking crazy."

"she's not normal. i don't know, i didn't even do anything to her." 

"I'll be there soon." 

I hung up taking a breath.

billie is a bitch to me and a little bird tells me this isn't just the beginning.

she scares me, and if i want to stay "alive", i have to listen to her, but i'm a fucking bitch who doesn't listen to orders.

and this girl with blue Smurf hair isn't going to stop me.

I waited a few seconds before hearing the lock, the manager smiling at me.

"Sorry, I forgot to give you your keys." I gave a false smile, grabbing the keys to join Lia, who was waiting two doors away.

"Damn, that chick's gonna get you in trouble, I'm sure she meant to lock you up. just like she meant to change your room." that's pissed lia off.

"let's just eat. I don't feel like talking about her."

we made our way to the cafeteria and joined leo and jey with our trays.

we sat down and leo sighed

"billie's giving you hell."

"billie's just got problems and I don't know why she's taking it out on me. I liked her." I sighed.

"baby, billie's like that, she's never liked anyone and she doesn't do feeling. she's a fucking robot."

maybe she doesn't and I'm ok with that but that doesn't give her the right to criticize or bully me.

I sighed, "Yeah, I don't care what Billie thinks about me anyway." I reassured myself.

"Sure, baby, who does? She doesn't like you, but we and Thomas and a lot of people do."

she doesn't love me. and it affects me when i shouldn't care.

leo smiles at me.

"But you know what? I've got some very interesting news. You know that guy I really liked, Thomas? Well, it could be that yesterday after you left he told jey that he really liked youuuuuuuu"

I frowned.

"that popular guy? black curls? the rugby player?"

"yes him." say jey with a big smile

I huffed desperately.

"oh my god why?"

Thomas was a nice guy, but he's not my kind of guy at all, and rugby players are egoists who only think about themselves.

I hate rugby games and I hate rugby matches too.

I don't want a guy whose only topic of discussion is whether I'll accompany him to his rugby match to see him play and who asks me in the middle of the match if I don't want to be his girlfriend in front of thousands of people.

 "ok, girl we tell you that a super handsome guy, a rugby player, a muscular man loves you and all you find to say is why?"  Lia looks at me with incomprehension. "it's Thomas Deven dude. every girl wants his ass and you make it effortless."

it's true that Thomas Deven is the most handsome guy in school. but this guy makes me gay as shit and because of him I'm going to end up a lesbian.

"so honey, you have to accept whatever he says stinky and romantic, you accept. if you have thomas in your life, chick you gain popularity and you'll be fucking untouchable!" say leo

 i don't even want popularity it's disgusting and i don't want thomas he's even more disgusting. i rolled my eyes and pretended i was for it.

"Fine. But if I don't have feelings for him, I'm out."  I warned

"yeah sure, that's normal." say lia to me 



we were in our sports period and i was the only one in the locker room getting dressed. i came very late but that's because this school is so big.

I put on my jogging bottoms and looked in one of the mirrors to fix my hair.

I was late because I wanted to miss a few seconds. which didn't help me because the teacher arrived at the same speed as me and so I didn't really have the choice of following him.

"Why do you look so good, you're going to play sport..." said a voice I knew well.

I turned to my roommate and she was standing in front of the door she had closed.

"hm i-i- hm i don't know." i said with a stammer that i curse for being out.

she frowned and put her bag down on the bench.

"Can I ask you a question?" she said dryly.

"Yeah, you can."

"what do you like about thomas." she said without looking at me.

I was confused.

"Why the fuck do you know that?"

Her face fell, looking at me with an expression I couldn't even decipher.

"Is it fucking true you love Thomas?" 

i didn't know whether to say yes or no but seeing her face i could see she was confused and really i don't know maybe confused by this. and i've never seen billie like this.

maybe i should lie to make her think i love her. 

and maybe the fact that i say i love thomas, one of the most popular kids in high school, will stop her from ruining my life.

 "y-yeah. why?" i was lying

she's mocking.

"You're the kind of girl who liked muscular men and played rugby? I didn't know that."  she grinned. "you taste like shit." she suddenly became mean again.

"maybe if you were nice to me, we'd be friends and i'd tell you. but who told you that shit??" it's quite possible that jey threw it away.

"first of all i don't want a friendship with you. and secondly, jey went and told thomas and thomas was literally at the angel and said he was going to take you out tonight."

my eyes almost popped out.

"Tonight?" I said with a voice that was blocked.

she rolled her eyes at my red cheeks.

"no I'm leaving I can't see your straight ass fuck you." she said throwing her stuff in a locker and leaving.

Thomas is going to ask me out on a fucking date that I don't want and never have. And normally you go on dates when you want to kiss someone or let them know you love them.



sorry in france we are in the middle of an internship in a 'professional' so I don't have much time to write.

knowing that i'm french and so i have to be careful not to make any spelling mistakes, or at least try not to.

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