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the classes were really boring. Lia slept on the table and Leo and Jey sat in front to 'study'. I found it a hobby to watch Billie work because it was cute to see Billie concentrating on writing a sentence.

but she got fired. no, actually, she fired herself.

I think she got fed up. At some point, she just put all the stuff back in her bag and said good-bye.

I had no one to look at.

"hey dahlia." a voice spoke to me and I turned around to see a guy smiling at me. "here, this is from thomas."

He handed me a piece of paper and I smiled, taking it from him. I opened the sheet, which was folded in half, and read it in my head.

meet me after school at my car. :)

fuck. i put the paper back in my pencil case and took out my phone. it was about to ring.

I clicked on my messages and saw some from Billie.

want to have dinner?
damn I'm hungry

sure we can
But Thomas asked me to meet him at his car.

No, you're not.

Billie said no, so that's a no.

no you know what?
and tell him who to fuck and that he's not your type
and come have dinner with me because I ordered burritos and I want to eat with you

I'm gonna break a heart :(

don't worry about it
another bitch will glue it back together

billie have no mercy. but damn that's hot wtf


I went to the place where Thomas told me and saw him leaning against a black varnished audi RS7. that doesn't impress me. please bring me Billie's dragon.

"hey you came." he said with a super cute smile.

"hey, sure." i approached him and let my bag fall to the ground.

"hm, well, how are you?" he asked with a shy smile.

"good. and you?"

"Stressed." he said looking down at his hands.

"why?" i provoked to make it go faster.

He took a breath and looked at me. a sparkle in those eyes, a look I couldn't even ignore.

"listen, i like you a lot dahlia. you're literally beautiful, fun, fun to look at, fun to talk to... i like you. and i wanted to know if you know... There's a chance we could get together because I'm not ready to leave you to another man."

I guess Billie can then.

I looked at her and felt bad.

But fuck.

"sorry thomas, it's not mutual. you're a good guy and i like you. but it's all still friendly."

his face broke and he cleared his throat.

"you kissed me last night and... i don't know i thought it was good for you too..."

"I was drunk."

"You were drunk but you remember very well don't you? Dahlia, I know you love me too. And if you're afraid to say it."

I cut her off confused.

"i'm sorry i made you think i might be in love with you but i'm not. it's not mutual. sorry thomas." i smiled.

I backed out of the parking lot and went back to my room. I felt a little sorry for him.

I opened the door and saw billie sitting on her bed with her phone. she saw me and threw her phone away smiling.

"Finally. How'd it go with that closeted gay guy."

i laughed at the nickname.

"i recalced. he told me he loved me and i said it wasn't mutual. then he insisted that i was really in love with him but that i was scared. i left."

she rolled her eyes.

"You did the right thing baby." she held out her hand and i smiled catching it as she pulled me onto the bed with her.

i sat on her lap and she put her hands on my hips.

"and i love it when you listen to me and do what i say, it's hot." she said and i felt wet.

She kissed my lips and I moaned into her mouth, which excited her even more.

she pulled back her lips and kissed my neck.

"maybe we can make two dinners. you. and the burritos."


after washing our hands, we got back on his bed and started eating together. the burritos are fucking incredible.

"why did you leave class early." i said randomly.

"I had a tick attack." she said and seeing my questioning she continued.

"I have Tourette's, it's a disease where I have lots of ticks. Sometimes when I'm too tired, stressed or just when there's too much light or just my mood, I can have an attack and make sudden gestures."

"and are you okay? "she smiled and kissed my lips.

"yes baby i'm fine. i can calm down even if it takes a few minutes."

"next time you can call me, maybe i can help you get them down faster."

"I'm sure you can." she took a bite of her burritos. "Why did you miss me?" she smiled.

"I didn't have anyone to look at."

she made a sad face.

"aw, poor baby." she rested her head on my shoulder.

she handed me a cup and smiled, beckoning me to drink. I drank and my eyes lit up.

"oh my god MTN DEW BAJA BLAST!" I shouted and she laughed. "my love..."

her cheeks flushed.

"I don't know why you like it so much. but hey, you like it then."

I kissed her cheek and she laughed.

"it doesn't take much to make you happy."

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