*11 : (smut) gay

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billie showed me all her weaknesses. the scars on her arms still bleeding and her fear of ending up alone.

I looked at her arms and I looked at her face right after that.

"Billie, why are you doing this?" I said, my voice trembling.

"I don't know what else to do, Dahlia." she smiled sadly, her eyes drowning in overflowing tears.

i took her in my arms and she sighed, holding me close. i cried even though it wasn't about me. she was suffering, and she said nothing.

"I don't know what to say to make you feel better, but I promise I'll try to replace all those scars you bear with joy."

she stroked my back.

"dali you already make me happy angel." 

she sniffed. "It's not up to you to fix it."

"I will." I said softly. "I'll help you, Billie."

She squeezed me a little tighter. And I sniffed.

how could no one ever know about this? how could even drew not see it? how could even brandon not see it? how could i not see it?

I straightened up and wiped away those tears.

"brandon knows?"

she nodded.

"brandon knows everything about my life. the fact that I'm gay, that I like girls, that I scarify myself, that I've fallen into depression..."

and I stuck on "I'm gay;" she looked at me seeing my silence and laughed.

"Yeah, you didn't know about that, did you?" she smiled.

"no not really. but... I'm glad. glad you didn't tell me you were gay, I'm glad you are and that you came out to me hyn? I like women too so you know? I know it's hard to say and yeah? yeah, I think I've talked enough." I hid my face.

she laughed and smiled at me.

"I looked at her and she smiled. "Don't scream, don't really be shocked," she said.


"I have a penis." and I swallowed my saliva choking on it. she laughed patting my back.

"no fucking way. you have a dick?" she smiled acquiescently." i don't believe you."

"don't make me show you." she said hopefully ironically.

my cheeks turned red and I felt hot.

"But you're doing it with Brandon?" I said softly.

she nodded.

"brandon likes to be taken from behind. but i've done it with girls too. i know my preferences."

"You do? you... you... yeah, no, actually, I don't want to know." I said, turning much too red.

She laughed.

I put my hand gently on her leg and tried to take a breath.

"Okay, why do you even have a dick?" i asked looking at her.

she turned red looking at my hand. she looked at me and smiled.

"yeah sorry can you... can you shift your hand?" she said and I quickly understood.

"Oh shit sorry." she sighed.

"you're okay." she smiled squeezing those legs.

My hand, my simple hand can do that to her.

𝑴𝒀 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳 // 𝑩𝑰𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑬 𝑬𝑰𝑳𝑰𝑺𝑯 G!PWhere stories live. Discover now