4: Scooby Doo scene

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-Ray's P.O.V-

After we barricaded the door to kids cove we set about piecing Mangle back together, it took a while but we maneged to repair her a little which was enough for her to start moving again. She crept into the vents and promised to bang on the metal three times if Mike was coming, two if he looked pissed and one if he looked murderous.

We planned our next course of action involving going to Scott's house and meeting up with the others to decide further plans. When the decision was reached we heard three echoing bangs followed by one bang which signalled that Mike was murderous. I hauled Shard up to the vents first then Angie, they stuck out their hands and pulled me up as the barricade buckled and blew apart. We clambered along the vents, Mangle leading the way as we tried to find a way out.

Suddenly the vent was ripped from the celing and we fell down on the tiled floor, landing rather painfully according to the pain filled groans. We sat up and jumped to our feet. Mike was glaring at us with a mixture of loathing and hatred. If this glare included Shard we were screwed.

Shard yelped and blasted holes in the ground when she summoned water to disguise our escape, which we did by jumping down some of the holes.

-Mike's P.O.V-

The water blinded me for a few seconds before it cleared and I saw a load of holes punctured in the floor, I looked around and heard someone snickering. I turned round and saw Shard, she smirked and waved at me. I pounced. She ducked out of sight. Then she re-appeared at another hole blowing a raspberry, I glared at her and pounced again. She ducked a second time. I looked down the hole then felt someone kick me in the backside which caused me to fall down the hole. I was now face to face with Shard, "Nice of you to drop in~" she said and kissed my cheek before racing off down the tunnels laughing hysterically.

I now really wanted her... So very badly...


Don't care if it's short.

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