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-Shard's P.O.V-

Outside was pandemonium; cars were flying everywhere, people were screaming, a couple of houses had been smashed and Mike stood at the centre of it all. He now looked like a dragon hybrid; with black feathered wings which were much bigger than Ray's, a long black tail, sharp claws replacing the tips of his fingers and he was much taller than before. "MLG time?" Scott asked, "Yup..."

-Mike's P.O.V-

I ripped through the street like it was made of butter, searching for Shard. I Knew where they were heading and wasted no time in switching forms so I could get enough power, I had to find Shard. I threw a car and it hit one of the houses which collapsed. A lot of people were in the kill zone, I didnt care though I only cared about finding Shard.


The shout echoed for miles, the debis was bathed in fire and crumbled to ashes, I looked down the street. There she was! Shard... MY Shard! She was wearing what looked to be shades and was smoking a blue cigarette while the other performed a kind of stupid dance. I growled, Shard grinned and pointed, "SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY!" Oh god not this song! The others disappeared, appearing in front of me. Ray raised a gun. She fired it.


I covered my ears from the blast of sound, I swiped at the gun and saw it snap in two. Ray paled and I quickly kicked her in the stomach, she flew back and smashed through a house. Angie screeched with fury and lept at me, black magic spewed from her palms as she blasted me backwards. I saw Shard running to help Ray, who was wincing as she picked herself up from the debris of the house I'd kicked her through, I hissed at Angie and slashed her midriff putting a nasty gash there. But purple and black particles swirled around the wound, she could regenerate!

I tried to get out of her headlock but she gripped tighter, intending to make me faint, but I was a lot stronger this time. Last time had been different but now... This was personal... I was not to be played with... I was not to hold back when I was near whoever kept me from Shard... I would strike them down regardless of whether they were Shard's friends or not... Keep her safe with me... But first to deal with the meddling brats Angie and Ray.

-Angie's P.O.V-

I knew what his thoughts were, there was no way we'd let him get Shard, but even if we did keep him from her he'd kill us either way. I sent a telepathic message to warn Shard, Mike took advantage of my slackened grip to kick me into a wall. I slid down, my healing factor kicked in but I played dead to fool him, he took the joke and left me. Ray had collapsed and fainted, Shard had to face him alone...

-Shard's P.O.V-

Mike walked toward me, he was smiling. I backed away, Ray was out and Angie was playing dead so I was basically screwed, I hit a wall. Mike closed the distance and gently buried his face in my hair, purring softly. I gulped as I though people would notice but the street was deserted. My last hope gone, I'd hope someone would see so they'd call the home guard... National guard... Whatever you called it!

Mike moved to my neck, examining the love mark he'd given me, "Mine..." He hissed and started to lick my neck while pinning me to the wall. I tried to teleport but it was impossible, Mike had taken away my teleport ability. I had to endure what he had on store for me...

He kissed me... My mind went numb but I was still in control, Shadow and Lament... Wait those two can help me! I called them forth from my mind and when Mike licked my lip, asking for entrance, I denied him. Shadow was the first to act. She punched him in the gut and slashed his face putting a large gash under his eye which caused him to yelp and cover his face long enough for Lament to Chuck Norris roundhouse kick him. He went smashing through a pile of cars. He definitely wasn't getting up after that combo. Shadow and Lament changed into Reshiram and Zekrom, I hoisted Ray and Angie onto them as they were too weak to take on animal forms. They had both woken up when Lament had healed them, they gripped their mounts tightly. I changed into my Lugia form and the other night guards ran up to me. Jeremy went dragon and the other three climed onto my back.

We had to tell my mother Rainbow Shard, she could deal with this one as she did last time, she could contain Mike properly now. We took off, I looked back and saw Mike pulling himself out the wreckage, he looked up and his eyes widened. I was counting on him to follow us and he did. When we portaled out I changed the portal when we went through so that Mike would land somewhere in Rainbowosia's west park.

He'd tried to have with me but through the power of my friends he'd not succeeded. But he might in future...

When he's not a possessed, half dragon, insane dumbass that is...

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