9: Bedroom snuggles

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-Mike's P.O.V-

I watched them as they led Shard away, she was wiping her face with her handkercheif and grimacing, I sighed and glared at the assembled dragons who shuffled their wings nervously. Rainbow Shard threw a tiny bottle to me, I caught it and drank the liquid inside it then I shrunk back down to my normal size. I sat down cross-legged, folded my wings and lay against the wall of my containment unit.

They left eventually, my mind was racing, 'I had Shard in my hands! Why did I let her go?! She was safe with me! Does she even like you anymore?' These thoughts flew around in my head, I had to see Shard, I cast my eyes around my prison and saw a vent grate. It was big enough for me to slip through, I flew up to it and wrenched the cover off.

It was like a maze in the vents, there were all these twists and turns, some even leading outside. I will not go outside until I have Shard in my arms, but finding her room was difficult. It was midnight when I found her room, gently pulling up the cover I slipped inside and landed on the floor like a cat.

Her room was made out of silver crystals, with a soft blue carpet on the floor, a computer sat on top of a mahogany desk in one corner while a T.V complete with Xbox and dvd set occupied the other corner, situated aroung the T.V was a bunch of sky blue bean bags and a collection of files that on close inspection contained data about all the missions she'd gone through.

I turned and saw her bed, unlike the desk it was made of oak with silver hangings and sea blue sheets. She was curled up in the centre of the bed, her eyes were red and puffy as if she'd been crying, a picture frame containing a photo lay next to her head. I picked it up and saw it was the photo she'd took on our first date together after the events...

I grimaced, I wasn't in control then but I was now...

I slipped in beside her, wrapped my tail around her legs, my arms around her waist and my wings around us both. My eyelids drooped and I fell asleep...

-Shard's P.O.V-

I woke up feeling warmer than usual, I tried to move but something had me in a warm embrace, I maneged to turn my head. I jumped. It was Mike. He'd wrapped himself around me in a protective way and was now sleeping peacefully, it pained me to think that he couldn't turn back to normal when he was this calm. He stirred and I snapped my head back, pretending to be asleep as Mike yawned.

He nuzzled me gently before licking my cheek affectionately, it took all my willpower to not slap him in the face, Mike purred and tuned me to face him. Concentration now up to twice the amount needed... Great...

"I know you're awake Shardy~!"

Oh gods not the nickname, plus the way he said it made me feel fuzzy inside, I mentally sighed and opened my eyes. His smile widened, "That's better~!" He purred, he wrapped his arms more securely around my waist and rubbed my thigh with his tail, it was the first time I'd ever blushed due to embarrassment. He tilted my head up and looked into my eyes, black with white pupils met Ocean blue studded with green and gray. He leaned in and kissed me, slid his tongue into my mouth and explored his territory. I whined and arched my back again, he broke off and carried me over to the T.V corner where we watched Avengers 2: Age of Ultron on DVD.

Rainbow Shard found us while we were watching the Lego movie, allowed Mike to go free if he behaved himself and allowed him to accompany us on our next mission to explore some ruins called the Desert lake Ruins which were by the coast of the scorching desert.

I just wish that Mike's eyes would turn back to their normal colour...

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