5: Rende vouz with the other guards

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-Angie's P.O.V-

Shard finally caught up with us, she was giggling about something. At my questioning look she said, giggling at random moments, "I taunted *snicker* Mike by kissing his *giggles* cheek!" I groaned. "You do realise that he'll be more possessive of you now you've done that. Remember what happened last time..."

(A/N read the two books 'Me and EnderAngie vs a Possessed! Mike' and 'We are in serious trouble')

She shrugged and muttered something about this time it was different, Ray had heard the adventure from us and she'd been very impressed. But this time she was ringing her hands, whimpering that this time would be possibly worse, " Oh relax..." Shard told her, patting her on the back. "I cannot relax when we have a serious problem on our hands!" She yelped.

I face palmed and carried on gouging out the dirt with my claws, "Can you give me a hand instead of worrying please, Ray?" She jumped and proceeded to bend the earth so that the passage closed behind us to prevent Mike from using the tunnel to follow us to where we were going. Jeremy was kinda quiet all the way through when we were bickering and decided to let us bicker while toting along at the back. I joined him. "What's wrong?" I asked him and he sighed, "I told him Shard's secret... I'm a terrible cousin..." I laid a hand on his shoulder and told him to not worry because, to be honest, I would have panicked in a situation like this...

---Le time skip of epicness---

We finally came up in Vincent's lawn in front of his house, we all brushed the dirt off our clothes and headed to the door, me and Jeremy kept watch for Mike while Shard and Ray explained to Vincent the situation that had occurred. Tired and bleary eyed he let us in. We saw Scott and Fritz already in the kitchen, snacking on apples. Shard went and got some lemonade out the fridge while I swapped stories with Vincent about what we'd done in the past few months. Vincent had got a job working as an assassin for the government and was paid the highest wage, probably cause he'd backstab them if he didn't get enough money. Ray was talking to Scott and Fritz about the adventure she'd had while on Team Strike payroll, as we called it, she was busy telling them a funny story involving a toilet, a bomb, an unsuspecting Rayquaza called Delta and Shard singing in the vents above 'you've got to be the most careful. When you take a sheeeeeeeeeeeeet!' Delta had sighed before the bomb blew up and she had chased us around the park covered in...

We were interrupted by a crash and a car sailed past the window, an explosion sounded and we looked at each other for a bit. Shard broke the silence...

"Oh this is gonna be one of those days, isn't it?"

I couldn't help but laugh.

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