16: Someone's gonna get REKT

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-Mike's P.O.V-

My eyes widened as Shard's chest stopped rising, she'd taken the blow ment for her friends, something snapped inside me. An uncontrollable mix of anger, hatred and fury rose up so fast that I couldn't contain it. It burst outwards in the form of an earth shattering blast, everyone but Shard was knocked backwards as bloody tears started leaking from my eyes. I made my way over to Shard and tried to revive her by placing my hands on her chest and trying to restart her heart. But my efforts failed and my fury built up even more as I cradled her in my arms, staining her white shirt with my bloody tears.

I glared at Angie and Ray, they backed up, they knew I was going to kill them. I wasn't going to let them live after they separated me from Shard and caused her death. I gently lay shard onto the ground and proceeded to teleport over to Ray where I kicked her into Rainbow Shard, who fell over with a surprised yelp, I then went to Angie and started strangling her. She chocked and tried to prise my hands off her neck. But then a shout split the air and I felt the earth start to quake...


I turned and saw...


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