14: One life sacrificed, Two lives saved

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-No one's P.O.V

The Universal dragons lined up at the city's battlements, they could see the armies of the night massing at the foot of the distant mountains. The women and children who all couldn't fight were moved underground, the women and men who were good fighters stayed to help in the battle. Rainbowosia's defences were highly advanced for a city built like an old medieval City, it's walls were reinforced with dragon titanium which is way tougher than normal titanium. It had underground traps and missiles primed according to heat signature/shadow energy.

Mike was at the head of them, he was dressed in the armour he screwed Shard in, which added to the wrath building amongst Rainbowosia's warriors. Rainbow Shard approached the centre of the battlements, garbed in multicoloured armour, she was easily distinguished between her five other kin who wore armour depending on what they specialised in:

Omega wore rainbow ruby armour,

Alpha wore rainbow sapphire armour,

Delta wore rainbow emerald armour (this time it was green),

Shadica wore rainbow gold armour,

Skeltadoom wore rainbow silver armour.

They were practising their concentration, the air seemed to vibrate with power and fury. Mike glared at Rainbow Shard and she glared at him. He was angry at her for taking his Shard away, she was angry at him for screwing Shard. Their glares tried to outmatch each other.

A angelic cry burst from Rainbow Shard's mouth and Rainbowosia's army began to charge forward, Mike screeched like an animatronic and his army surged forward. The two armies collided ripping at each other, since the moon was at its peak Mike's army was strongest but the reinforcements from Skeltadoom's Kingdom also thrived in the night, both armies were equal in strength.

-Angie's P.O.V-

We had been charged to protect Shard from Mike while she recovered in the hospital, she now could stand up the sit down without wincing like she had done yesterday. Ray was making some herbal tea to soothe her desire to be sick, she wasn't pregnant but she still puked her lunch out. The doctor said it was because her body was rejecting what Mike had done to her a little too violently.

She drank the tea gratefully, she sunk back into the pillows, a smile graced her face and she gave us both a hug while thanking us for putting up with her. We smiled and told her it was alright. I watched the battle from the window, Rainbow Shard was putting up a good fight against Mike, their swords crossed, nightmare black against vibrant rainbows. He seemed to have an advantage since the moon was up but Rainbow Shard was putting everything into her strikes, which was the full power of friendship. Mike suddenly slipped on a bit of dragon blood and Rainbow Shard bore down on him her eyes filled with hatred, so how Mike drew strength from the hatred and maneged to defend himself at the last minute.

Shard was looking through the pictures on her phone, they were of times she had with Mike before all this... She began to silently cry her tears staining her clothes, I heard something I didn't want to hear...

Rainbow Shard's pain filled screech!

It seemed she had paused upon hearing her daughter cry, Mike had taken his chance and sunk his blade into her stomach, she was immortal but it would take time to regenerate. It looked like it hurt a lot. He looked up and saw me leaning out the window, he spread his wings and gave me a look that clearly stated 'I'm going to kill you'.

I yelped and alerted Shard, we set a trap that involved Shard lying, apparently unconscious, on the bead so when Mike came up to her me and Ray would jump him and knock him out with an anaesthetic dart strong enough to hold a male dragon in submission for twelve hours. We hid in the closet as Shard climbed onto the bed and stilled herself, Mike crashed though the window and walked over to Shard. He pecked her cheek, which made me want to strangle him, gathered her up in his arms and started nuzzling her lovingly.

Shard woke and kicked him twice, once in the stomach, once in the head, he groaned in pain and slumped. Shard kicked him the balls for revenge and he doubled over. I stuffed my fist in my mouth to muffle my laughter, I peeked out and saw Ray under the bed also trying to pack it in however she was fairing worse than me since she had a clear view of Mike getting kicked 'there' and she was crying with laughter. Mike teleported behind Shard and touched her ass, I aimed my weapon at Mike's back and hit him on the sholdur, he whipped around to see the barrel of a gun aimed in his face.


Another dart got him in the face, he yelped and took it out only to get kicked in the backside by Shard who used the momentum to roundhouse kick him into Ray's feels of pain. Ray fired up her tail and wings then got Mike with a flaming uppercut to the face while saying, "And if you want us to beat him up some more, slap that like button IN THE FACE!" Shard smirked and said, "My hand hurts from slapping it too hard" which caused me to crack up, holding my stomach in pain.

Mike was getting drowsy from the darts, I could see it in his eyes, his movements were no longer quick and accurate they were now slow and erratic. I congratulated myself on unintentionally rhyming before shooting another dart into his backside, Mike was getting angry now. He seized Ray by the neck and began strangling her, Shard pulled him off Ray and... He kissed her... I went ballistic and broke his nose with a well placed 360 no scope punch. Blood streamed from his nose as he glared at me, he wiped his nose with his sleeve and tackled me. Shard kicked him off.

He started to charge something up, what it was we didn't know but it was huge and looked like something off dragon ball Z, Shard panicked and teleported us to the feild of battle. Rainbow Shard had healed and was now rushing towards us.

-Shard's P.O.V-

I watched as Mike charged his attack, we couldn't dodge but I did have enough energy to teleport two of us three away. I made up my mind, I had a whole life ahead of me but that didn't matter, my friends needed me but I had to ensure they survived. I had to take Mike's attack, it would kill me but I didn't care, my friends had to live because they were younger than me and they had much more time than I did.

While I made my choice, Mike finished his attack, Rainbow Shard had got Angie and Ray. She looked at me and I smiled as Mike fired at them, I left in front of the beam and took it face on...

I was hurled through the air, I landed on my back, I saw Angie and Ray in my field of vision. Before I slipped I told them one thing.

"Don't waste... Your lives.........."

And then I slipped into the void.........


This isn't the end people!

Some crazy (cookies) is going to happen in the next chapter!

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