12: At the hospital

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-No-ones P.O.V-

Once Shard was across the threshold doctors took her on a stretcher then wheeled her away, Angie sat in the waiting room still reeling from the events that had taken place earlier. She'd dodged countless missiles from the shadow dragons when she released the Heritage and rescued the Tech dragons, wood cuts and scrapes dotted her arms and legs. A nurse came forward and treated the scratches, Vincent burst through the doors and hugged Angie. She returned the hug but was too traumatised to say anything. Rainbow Shard burst in with the others (except Mike) trotting at her heels.

A doctor came forward, "She's fine, he didn't make her pregnant but he did inflict a mental injury that'll stop her two sides coming out for a while. It's easy to cure but she needs rest and we hooked her up to some fluids. She lost a lot of blood..." He trailed off at the look on Rainbow Shard's face, she was relived and angry. "He has absorbed the power of the night, do you think you can take this to the Elder dragons?" She asked the messenger dragon, it saluted and sped off to the vally of elders.

Two hours passed before the doctor came in and said that Shard was cured and stable enough to be seen, they all trooped into the room and saw Shard sitting up from her bed. She was wincing with every movement. This added to the fury stirring amongst them. Shard hugged her mother and cried into her shoulder, she patted Shard's back whispering soothing words into her ear.

Ray and Jeremy came in five minutes later with some news...

Mike was coming with his army of the night, he was coming for Shard...

It was time for the High dragon council to settle this...

They would help Mike, not kill him...

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