15: A Conversation With Dumbledore (normal Mike)

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-Shard's P.O.V-


I was dead


How could I be breathing?

I sat up, discovering that I was in a large white room, I gently got up and looked around. It was like that scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where Harry has a chat with Dumbledore after getting hit by the killing curse. 'If not possessed Mike is Dumbledore I will not be surprised' I thought to myself as I spotted a bench some way away, I walked over and sat down.

It felt like an hour before anything happened, a shape materialised out of nowhere, it was indeed Mike  how ironic... But the black colouring was midnight blue and his mane was a bit less violent but had stayed the same colour except for the outside was now silver instead of deep blue. I sighed as Mike sat down beside me, "You shouldn't have left y'know" he told me, I was about to protest but he sent me a look, "I know you have a duty, at least I know it but 'he' doesn't." He was of course talking about his possessive self, "You must understand that I tried to keep him in, but he wanted you so badly that it was only a matter of time before..." He trailed off, I sighed.

"There are two reasons why I left Mike, the first was for my duty as leader of Team Strike, the second was because of what your possessed side did. I sensed it rising up again, I thought if I stayed away from you for a while you would be able to get it under control. I was wrong Mike, I'm so sorry..."

Mike smiled and put an arm round my sholdurs as I cried into his chest, I hiccuped and looked up at him, "I know you love me Shard, my other self however takes the love to new extremes. After what he did to you, I'm surprised you still love me." Those words took time to sink in and I did something bold, I kissed him and he smiled into it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and deepened the kiss, he pulled away, "You are still alive Shard, you turned your full mortal age when you jumped in front of my attack." What?!

"So does that mean I'm immortal?!" I asked incredulously, Mike smiled and nodded, "When a dragon reaches twenty five years of human age they become immortal and can choose what age appearance they take." Mike recited that as if he'd read it out of a book, I rolled my eyes as I saw the pendant around his neck but this time it was the same colour as his eyes (icy blue).

He hugged me one last time before standing up, "I have read Harry potter so I'll quote." I rolled my eyes again... This was very ironic...

"Do not pity the dead, Shard, pity the living and, above all, those who live without love..."

I suddenly saw a bright light up ahead, I ran towards it and found myself lying on my back...

As I sat up I saw something horrible...

The possessed Mike was torturing my friends...

I growled as my trident appeared and felt the whole power of the sea flow through me...

My influence had been activated, an influence was what we dragons could achive when we were at our lowest point, it filled us with the power of our respective elements. Mine was the sea...

I charged at Mike, whipping up a huge wave behind me and I yelled...


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