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We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger. |Tad Williams|

Clarissa Bane was done with mankind. Actually, in all honesty, she was just done with one person in all of mankind. The only person in the world who can drive Clarissa Bane absolutely mad.

Stiles Stilinski.

The young auburn haired girl had no idea when her dislike for the spastic boy actually came to happen. It had been going on since she had first learned about the supernatural world and Scott McCall's furry secret. Stiles had been wary about telling the popular girl their secret on many occasions and had shown his distaste whenever she had tried to help them in the past.

As soon as she saw the name Tommy pop up across her Notification Center she knew her night would be ruined. That was just something Stiles Stilinski had been able to do since she found out about the supernatural world. He would call or text her at all hours whenever he needed her help but didn't care if she was in the middle of something.

One reason to dislike the boy besides his smartass remarks and sarcasm, she quickly discovered, was his inability to say the word please. He demanded that she did things or ordered her to stay away and if there is one thing to be learned about Clarissa Bane, it's that she plays by her own rules.

Clarissa's azure eyes roll in aggravation as she reads the demanding text message from the boy; telling her to get her ass dressed and downstairs so they could go chain up the baby beta who's demanding her company, the beta, in all honesty, is the only reason the girl decided to get dressed that night. She took a quick liking to the younger boy as he stuttered out a yes to her question the year before; the subtle question that tricked the freshman to her best friend's lake house for the intervention that changed his life.

Leading to the second reason Clarissa continues to dislike Stiles; his treatment of her favorite sophomore. Her mouth turns into a displeased scowl; mind flashing back to a call she received in the middle of the night while she was in London visiting Jackson.

The thought of him made her think of the days before she and Lydia ruled the school, the narcissistic queen bee and her charming second-in-command. Clarissa and Jackson did everything together; from her cheering him on at his little league games, though her eyes would always stray to another player, to him sleeping over at her house because she had nightmares. Most people were surprised by the pair, all except their parents, well in Jackson's case, adoptive parents. The two were thrust together as babies, forced into sharing a crib at the Whittemore establishment, watched by Tamara Whittemore and Elizabeth Bane while the husbands did their duties for the town. David Whittemore an esquire and George Bane a doctor at Eichen House. She had always been by Jackson's side, especially when Stiles's Stilinski had come up with the brilliant plan of kidnapping her friend and shoving him in the back of a prison transport van.

So when Liam called the teen girl that was halfway across the world; voice shaking as he explained to her that the boys shoved him in a van, much like they did to Jackson, with a dog bowl on the full moon, well Clarissa did not take it well.

That was the first night Jackson saw the changes in his childhood friend; eyes narrowing as he watched her yell into the phone at the Stilinski boy, threatening him that she would fly back the next morning and castrate him if he didn't let the younger boy out of the van. When Jackson left at the end of their sophomore year, he left behind a happy and joyful Clarissa Bane; not the angry and violent one he saw that night.

Leading to the third and final reason Clarissa Bane would dance on Stiles Stilinski's grave if she had the chance, her recurring role in the supernatural world was all his fault. Deep down, Clarissa knows she can't fully blame the boy, he was only curious the night they went to search for the dead body but the part of her that understands this is buried deep down underneath a layer of hatred for the supernatural. Her hatred stemming from the fear that her little brother, Delcan Bane, best friend of Mason Hewitt and Liam Dunbar will get yanked into the supernatural world as she had years before.

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