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This is it for part A guys. This chapter is dedicated to three very important people : Annabelleleigh72 _Stxdia_ and eyesclosedx .Thank you guys, all of you, for being so supportive of me and this story. It's been a wild ride so far and it's only getting crazier from here on out.


The silence of animal clinic unnerved Clarissa as she stood outside. The sunlight was beginning to dwindle in the horizon and it seemed to bother her more than she wanted it to. She wanted to crawl under the covers, clutching her brother to her for comfort instead of standing outside the silent clinic. She almost felt guilty at the thought but her brother's face when she left the household made her wish that she allowed him to come with her. She had left him there, making sure Brett was on his way before she left to speak to the pack. The chimera wanted to turn around and leave then and there but the shallow breathing that she could hear from the inside made her choice for her. Hayden was dying and Clarissa wouldn't allow that to happen for Liam's sake.

Clarissa walked towards the door on shaky feet, the gravel crunching under her combat boots loudly. She could hear Liam and Melissa fretting over the brunette teenager and she focused her hearing, attempting to find any sign of Theo or Scott. She didn't want to face either of them for vastly different reasons but avoidance was her main source of comfort, of the denial that she wanted to avoid when she saw Theo again. Clarissa wished that she could tell him how she felt, about the affection that flooded her body for him that would soon end. Theo Raeken was Clarissa Bane's drug. He filled her veins and the beckoning withdrawal made her feel like an addict that was curled in a corner, just waiting for another fix of the sweet release that he gave her.

Her youth was gone. Gone and buried under the copious amount of pain that filled every fiber of her body. She wanted her youth back. Clarissa wished that she had more time with Theo because it was so damn unfair that she just got him and she was going to leave him. She didn't understand how the universe could have such a sick and twisted sense of humor. But as she entered the animal clinic and looked at the dying girl that lay on the table in front of her, the blue eyed teenager realized how truly horrible the world was.

Hayden lay on the table, profusely sweating as Melissa stuck a needle into her arm. Liam stood over her quietly, the look on his face giving Clarissa a heartbreaking flashback. Hayden and Liam reminded her so much of Scott and Allison with how quickly the love burned between them. It scared her to think that her young friend could lose his first love like Scott had done the year before.

"It's on her neck too." Liam murmured as he moved the hair that lay flat against Hayden's neck to the side. Clarissa looked at the girl sadly, noticing the sickly splotches that had begun to cover her tan flesh. "She's getting worse, isn't she?"

"Yeah." Melissa declared with a slight head nod, turning away to grab a bandage from the counter behind her. "Which is why we're taking her to the hospital."

"How's that going to help?" Liam questioned, disbelief covering his face as he stared at the older woman.

"Now Liam, I know your mother taught you how to respect your elders better than that." Clarissa spoke up finally, making her presence known as she stood awkwardly by the door. She huddled her body into Theo's jacket as they stared at her in slight disbelief.

"We're in an animal clinic and I need equipment designed for humans." Clarissa could read the irritation that covered Melissa's face like an open book and she respected the woman immensely for her ability to stand up for herself. "I said that we're going to take her to the hospital. I didn't say we're going through the front door."

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