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The air was warmer above ground compared to the damp chill that came with being underground in the tunnels and Clarissa felt like she could finally breathe normally again. It was like a breath of fresh air being in the humid air on the streets of Beacon Hills compared to the horrifying chill that came with being underneath the house of horrors.

Being in Eichen House felt like she was trapped in hell again. The air was warmer in hell but the deep chill that ran in her bones felt like she was dying again and the auburn haired chimera disliked the feeling with a burning passion.

She was still firmly placed underneath Stiles' arm, though she didn't know if it was because she needed to be held up or if he wanted to make sure that she didn't attack Malia as soon as she and Kira got the jeep to them.

She wanted to make the brunette girl feel the terror that she had felt when she heard her brother's stuttering heartbeat. She wanted Malia to feel how she felt when she saw Corey lying on the table of the morgue so close to death but so close to living.

The thin line that his life balanced on in the morgue had shaken Clarissa more than she was willing to admit. It felt like she was watching her little brother die all over again and she felt helpless. She couldn't handle losing one of them again, not after cradling Corey's body to her in the back of the vehicle that was speeding towards her house.

She was shaken out of her thoughts when she could hear the car before she saw it and breathed out a sigh of relief when she saw the three extra passengers that were stowed away in the backseat of the jeep. She didn't like them being close to the two girls but she was glad that they didn't leave the trio to fend for themselves inside of Eichen House.

Malia pulled up to the side of the curb roughly, almost hitting the concrete as she parked. The girl was still a horrible driver and Clarissa cursed the horrible thought of Theo teaching her how to drive over again.

Delcan and Corey were the first two out of the car, rushing towards where Stiles was holding up their sister. Their eyes were frantic as they locked on the weak form of their sister who offered them a halfhearted smile in return.

Clarissa pushed off of Stiles, moving so that she could throw her arms around her little brothers. She yanked them towards her, inhaling their scents softly to make sure that they were truly alright and not a dream. It was comforting to hear their heartbeats and to smell their scents. They smelled like home to her.

"She okay?" Josh called loudly, his eyes glancing around at the group of people before landing on where Clarissa was standing. He nodded in unconcealed relief when Clarissa nodded to him before turning a firm glare towards the McCall pack. "Del, Corey, get your sister. We're leaving."

"Like hell I am." Clarissa pushed away from her brothers, turning towards Josh with a snarl. "I'm making sure that Lydia gets home safe."

"Theo won't like it."  Corey declared firmly and Clarissa turned her harsh stare towards the boy that had moved to rest himself underneath her brother's arm. "We had a plan."

"I have my own plans." She grumbled before turning towards Josh with a sharp smile. "You take my brothers home. If Theo needs you guys then you leave Delcan with Brett until I get home. Brett should be with Hayden so you make sure that you stay where he was and send the others home. If so much as one hair is out of place on top of their heads, I swear there will be hell to pay."

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