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A friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else.

Clarissa threw her head back for the fifth time that night; a soft moan escaping her cherry-red painted lips and her eyes squeezed shut in unabashed pleasure. "Holy shit, Liam."

"If you don't stop moaning like a pornstar, I will come back there and kill you." Stiles Stilinski growls in irritation, his whiskey colored eyes glaring in the rearview mirror towards the two people sitting in his backseat. His eyes narrow as he watches the younger boy rub the girl's feet, the bottom half of her lean body folded in an odd position so her feet were in the beta's lap.

Clarissa's eyes slide open lazily to watch the twitching boy in humor, as if his opinion mattered to her. The teenage girl was forced to deal with his presence for far longer than she wanted to, but she would do anything for the younger friend that was rubbing her feet tactically.

Clarissa had shed her shoes after the teens got back into the car and headed to pick up the werecoyote from her father's work place; not that the tall teenager could remember exactly what the old man did with his life or did she really care. "Have a lot of experience with hearing pornstars moaning, Stiles?"

Clarissa's eyes dart towards the beta next to her as a laugh bubbles from her mouth at his comment. Liam looks pleased as he yanks his older friend closer to him; mind thinking about ways to get back at the teen for hurting his Clary earlier that night, out of everyone in the vehicle at the moment he knows her the best; he knows how lonely she feels in the pack. "Malia must not be making you happy if you have to use your hand and other girls' moaning to get the job done."

"Oh my God." Clarissa speaks, her words coming out of her mouth choppy at the laughter coming from her mouth. Her eyebrows raise as she looks at the younger boy, her face turning serious though it was still red from her laughter. "I fucking love you."

Stiles hits a sudden sharp turn onto the street where Malia's father works, the teenagers agreed to pick up the pretty werecoyote from her father at nine o'clock, they were two hours late. Clarissa groans in pain as her body is thrown towards Liam; the sensitive part of her chin banging against the younger boy's shoulder.

Azure eyes narrow dangerously towards the hyperactive teenager in the front seat as he recklessly whips the awful vehicle to a stopping point, mere feet from his girlfriend and her annoyed father. Clarissa huffs lowly before turning to Liam and bringing her cherry lips towards his ear--all while her eyes are trained on the pretty girl walking towards the jeep in her atrocious outfit. "I think Malia's been living in Stilinski's closet again."

"Sorry we're late." Stiles calls out of the window, completely ignoring the two teenagers in the backseat in fear of committing murder. He smiles towards his girlfriend softly; his eyes trailing over her body as she walks briskly towards the jeep with a smile painted across her face.  "Hey."

Clarissa lets out a groan of disgust as Malia pulls the brunette boy into a passionate kiss, pretty eyes rolling as the boy lets out a tiny moan of pleasure.

The teenage girl knows that he still likes her best friend, he probably always will, and as much as it pains her to say it, she would rather rip out her heart and feed it to sharks than admit to her feelings, she would support the relationship between Stiles and Lydia. Not that she doesn't like Malia, she honestly does, but she knows that no one has cared about her best friend like Stiles.

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