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Clarissa felt like they were in a cliche teen movie. Slowly walking down the hallway of Eichen House in a line to the room that she remembered visiting Lydia in.

She wondered how they looked from an outsiders perspective. Her and Theo in front of three chimeras and a witch. Faces void of any positive emotion as the smugness began to seep from their pores.

Clarissa could smell Stiles' scent from across the hallway as Tracey took hold of the good doctor and slammed him across the wall. She looked inside of Lydia's room as Corey and Theo examined her still friend before turning to the door at the end of the hallway, catching a small glimpse of plaid.

"I can't believe this is a medical establishment." Theo declared with disgust as he turned to look out into the hallway once again.

"It sure as hell isn't a spa." Clarissa grumbled in irritation, turning away from Stiles' hiding spot and leaning her back against the wall to look at the doctor with contempt. "Tracey, you might want to loosen your grip a little bit. We want him to be able to breathe so that he can tell us what we want to know."

"Now what would a pack of chimeras want with a banshee." Dr. Valek questioned with a strained voice, gulping as Tracey seemed to tighten her hold against the man's throat.

"I would like to point out that I'm a witch and not a chimera." Evelyn declared smoothly, raising her hand while moving so that she rested between Clarissa and the door that Stiles was hiding behind. Clarissa shot the older woman an irritated look and Evelyn smiled sheepishly at her. "Sorry I guess now is not the time to get my knickers in a twist about the political correctness of the term witch."

"I don't want a banshee." Theo stated loudly, shooting the honey haired woman a look to hush her mocking jokes. "I'm looking for a hellhound."

The smirk wiped off of Clarissa's face as a familiar scent of burning flesh hit her nostrils. She had smelt Parrish the night of Corey's death and could easily identify that he was close. It brought back horrifying hazy memories from the night that she had lit her old home up like a bonfire and Clarissa tugged the younger boy to her side as he stepped out of Lydia's room, hoping to protect him from being in Parrish's arms once again.

A loud rumble filled the air and blue eyes glanced to the side in fear as they landed on the flames that flickered against the deputy's skin.

"Theo." Clarissa snapped heatedly, pushing Corey behind her into Evelyn's arms as she pushed away from the wall. "We've got company."

Clarissa watched warily as Parrish's flame filled eyes flared at them from the end of the hallway, his flame covered hands melting the metal of the door as he growled and pushed against it. She was not prepared to fight the man that she respected. She was not ready to die again by the flames engulfing her skin.

"You wanted a hellhound." The doctor declared with sick amusement coating his words as they all looked at the door that was melting at the end of the hallway. "I think you found one."

Watching Parrish walk towards them with flames licking at the lower half of his body was terrifying to Clarissa. His low growls echoed the bleak stone hallway and Clarissa could not help but grip Corey against her back tighter as she heard his heard jump in fear.

"Who the hell is that?" Evelyn whispered lowly to the younger girl in fascination.

"Jordan Parrish. I have an idea that he might be someone else but I'm not sure. I have Jackson's father looking into it." Clarissa mumbled quietly, her voice strained as the hellhound seemed to approach them quickly. "I don't think now is the best time to give introductions, Evie. He seems slightly pissed off."

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