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To say that Clarissa wasn't dealing with murderous thoughts, especially towards the alpha of her pack for leaving the Bane girl alone with the two people she disliked more than anything, would be a lie.

The young girl knew she was a bitch to the twitchy boy, but nothing warranted the comment about her deceased best friend. Therefore the girl had been plotting his murder along with his best friend's murder since they had left the hospital.

The trio had arrived at Clarissa and Lydia's kingdom, Beacon Hills High School, in complete and utter silence; and while she enjoyed being out of the confined space, the pouring rain that drenched the eighteen year old girl did not serve to help her mood at all. As she trailed behind the "wonder couple" she looked at her phone in disappointment, the no service bar mockingly staring back at her.

"Nothing from Scott or Kira." The werecoyote states worriedly as she looked down at her pristine white phone.

"Nothing from Lydia either." The spastic boy replied to his girlfriend causing the Bane girl to laugh mockingly.

"Great deduction Bilinski. Have either of you noticed that there's probably no cell service for miles?" The oldest of the trio says as she places her phone into the pocket of Liam's sweatshirt. The girl is drenched and while the jacket provided warmth beforehand, all semblance of that was gone with the wicked storm brewing around them. "The storm probably knocked out the service temporarily."

Stiles turns to glare at the older girl in complete in utter irritation. As he opens his mouth to give the girl a smartass remark, he's stopped from the werecoyote gripping his hand sadly.

"And I still don't know if I passed." Clarissa's heart somewhat broke at the girl's expression as she looked between the two seniors. "I don't want to do this unless I'm actually a senior."

Clarissa notices that the brunette boy of doom is borderline distracted; too distracted to console his distraught girlfriend, and she turns to the younger supernatural creature with what she hopes is a comforting smile. "You'll pass, Malia. You studied harder than any one of us."

Clarissa nudges the spastic boy before tuning out of the couple's emotional conversation. Her own mind dwelling on how she is going to handle the conversation with her younger brother.

The crippling sense of anxiety at possibly dragging her brother into a world he doesn't belong in or losing his trust completely, weighing down at her already unstable mental state. She knows that she could tell him the truth but after seeing what happened to people who did not belong in this world, this horrid supernatural world, she did not think she could bare putting Delcan through the pain of losing himself or someone he loves to it.

Clarissa's mind snaps back into focus at the end of the couple's kiss, one that should have been well behind closed doors. Her ears perking up at the coyote's words. "Someone's coming. Someone fast."

Clarissa watches the fast moving figure dart through the rain straight towards the trio and she grins in amusement as she realizes who it is. As quick as the smile came though, the auburn haired girl's lips curl into a hateful snarl as she watches the short haired girl throw Liam Dunbar to the floor.

"Oh my god." Stiles exclaims in shock as he watches his girlfriend throw the beta to the ground, eyes darting to the furious human girl as she stalks towards the girl who is holding the heaving sixteen year old to the ground.

Monstrous ➙ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now