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warning: bloodshed will happen in this chapter and quite a bit of it. i would also keep tissues on hand just for some very sad moments in my opinion.



It felt like it had been hours that she was standing there, though it had only been about ten minutes. Her fingers were beginning to turn white from the way that she had gripped the crossbow.

She knew that she couldn't hurt the beast with it, especially if it was truly who she thought it was, but she needed to keep up the appearance for the humans in the room. With each passing second Clarissa knew that it would be hard to keep up the appearance of a human being to defend these people, especially with Gabe in the room who would surely be watching her every move.

The auburn-haired girl stood taller as she heard footsteps stumbling towards the library and the smell of blood growing closer to where she stood. She was tempted to let the arrow fly when the doors opened even though she knew that it was Scott stumbling her way.

She sighed as Scott pushed through the doors, the loud sound echoing around the room. He stumbled towards her, covered in blood and unaware that he was about to collide with her.

"Nice of you to finally join us." Clarissa declared lowly, a grim expression on her face as she threw the crossbow on the table. Her arms moved to stop the heavily breathing boy, hands resting on his shoulders as he stared her down. "We've got a problem. You just led that thing here."

Clarissa subtlety nodded her head to one of the lacrosse players that played for Beacon Hills. Scott's eyes followed her own, widening comically as he looked at all of the people that were now looking towards the two people.

Scott looked around them in defeat before looking at the blood that had transferred from his skin to Clarissa's hands. The auburn-haired girl looked at him warily, watching as he eyed her and the door that was now behind her.
He turned to look at the other people in the room and nodded his head up the stairs where he could see Corey and Brett peaking over the edge.

"Go upstairs."

One of the people in the room looked towards the small auburn-haired girl for confirmation and when she nodded back, they began to sprint towards the stairs. It had created a symphony of footsteps, making noise as each person went up the stairs to hide.

"We have a potential hunter in here." Clarissa declared lowly, her eyes not wavering from the doorway even though Scott's head snapped to the right to look at her. "He's my brothers' age I believe."

"Why are you telling me this?" Scott asked the girl warily, looking at her with the same suspicion that he had ever since she came back from the dead. "You didn't have to."

"I don't like you very much right now, in fact I honestly kind of hate you if we're being honest, but I don't want you dead."

"Then why are you talking because I know that thing can hear us?" Scott hissed as he moved the two of them back slightly so that they were away from the door.

"That thing was headed this way to rip us to shreds the moment that you came through those doors." Clarissa declared icily, her hands resting at her side as she attempted to gather her energy into her palms. She refused to pick up the crossbow because it wouldn't help her in a fight where claws were required. "It's coming to kill us anyways, might as well declare our undying hatred for each other while we have the chance."

"What happened to you?" Scott asked lowly, his own face turned towards the door as the pair started to hear large steps on the other side of the door. The force of the steps were shaking the shelves in the room and Clarissa felt like she could fall over in that moment from the force. "What changed?"

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