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A/N: Hello ladies and gents, I'm back with an extremely long update as we grow closer to the end of this book. I highly recommend listening to the song up top as the section of the much dreaded death of Josh occurs and for the rest of the chapter. I was going to split this chapter up because it's so long but I felt like it needed to stay together. I leave you with the idea to have some tissues prepared and maybe a blanket to hide in. As always, comments and thoughts are encouraged.

It had become tense between the group after Clarissa had finally stood her ground against Theo. The silence was suffocating to her, but she knew that she needed to be firm in her beliefs.

All of the teenagers had dispersed around the room, but Clarissa had made sure that she didn't stray too far away from Josh or her brother. Brett was standing next to her tensely, his arms crossed over his chest as they looked at the two teenagers that were leaning on the table.

Delcan and Josh had taken to sitting on the stairs, but Clarissa could see the unease in their eyes whenever Theo and Tracy looked at them. Their looks were murderous and while Tracy had always looked at her in that way, Theo never had before. She had noticed the look being thrown in her direction after she had texted Evelyn and directed her to take Corey and go to the McCall pack.

She knew that they would be wary of the cousins at first, but Stiles and Lydia would help protect them if it came down to it. Even Liam would do it because she knew that her brother and the young werewolf had started speaking again. She had told the older woman about the outrageous plan that Theo had come up with and that they needed to find another way to find Mason before Theo could get his hands on the younger boy. His intentions of finding the boy didn't seem to be about bringing him home safely like Clarissa had initially thought. They seemed far more nefarious than simply ensuring that their friend was safe.

Her fingers were tapping against the side of her arm anxiously as she thought about the potentially dangerous situation that they had found themselves in. Theo was slowly showing that he was descending into a madness that Clarissa didn't know if she could pull him back from. Deucalion's earlier words and pointed look was replaying inside of her mind on a loop.

Product of genius and madness. Two traits too often found in the same mind. Product of genius and madness. Two traits too often found in the same mind. Genius and madness. Madness and genius. Genius. Madness. Theo.

Theo was undoubtedly smart, and his plans usually had a genius like quality to them but lately they were tinged with a madness that hadn't been there before. He had come back to Beacon Hills for their pack and her in which he had fooled her friends into thinking that he was one of the good guys, that he was there to save them all from the Dread Doctors.

She couldn't pin point the moment that he started descending into madness, but she could guess it was the moment that she had died in his arms. She had noticed that he had started to go slightly off the rails after Scott was supposedly killed and she had died and resurrected in the same day. It had been so gradual and unnoticed because she was in her own state of madness, so she didn't notice it.

But now the madness was slowly ebbing away from her mind and all she could see was that the man that she cared about was staring at her as if she had completely ruined his plans. His head was in the right place, but his heart was not.

Clarissa had always been a firm believer in the head and the heart. She used her heart to protect the people that she loved, and Theo had always used his head to make the plans but now she could see that they were not working as a unit anymore. There was a sever in their unit that was not going to go away soon.

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