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"Theo, I don't like this." Clarissa grumbled angrily into her phone as she fixed her tight velvet top. Clarissa could feel Evie's eyes on the side of her face, watching warily as she tightened the grip against her cell phone. "Why did you have to go with Tracey again?"

"Lissa, I promise I'll be there in half an hour." Theo told her quietly and the girl sighed. She hated the idea of him being alone with Tracey for longer than necessary, the brunette girl was surrounded by a type of attitude that she didn't particularly care for. "Hey, smile."

"I'm smiling." Clarissa urged, ignoring the snort of disbelief that her older friend was throwing in her general direction.

"Yeah, at the thought of Tracey locked up in an asylum." Evie mumbled lightly, a teasing grin on her face. Clarissa snapped her hand to the side, lightly hitting the older woman on the bare skin of her exposed arm. "Ouch, that almost hurt."

"Have fun." The boy spoke and Clarissa could feel her body deflate at his soothing tone that was full of unconditional adoration. "I'll be there soon."

"Theo." Clarissa spoke softly, attempting to ignore the side eye that Evie was giving her as she fixed the dark charcoal lines around her hazel eyes. "Be careful."

"Never." The boy spoke lowly and a tiny quirk of Clarissa's lips happened as she listened to his voice, yearning for him to be next to her.

She disconnected the call, her body shifting lightly in the plush front seat of Evelyn's car. Her hand moved up slowly, flicking down the mirror that was connected to the visor and ignored the bright light made her almost squint. She could feel Evie's eyes on the side of her face, observing her.


"Your relationship with him confuses me." The older woman declared, fully turning her eyes to the auburn haired teenager. The heavy charcoal eyeliner made her eyes pop, almost as if the hazel was a liquid brownish green mixture instead of the still color. "He cares about you but shows little to no concern for most people."

"He cares." Clarissa spoke slowly, eyes glancing towards the car that parked in front of the silver one they sat in. She could see Brett, Corey, and Delcan fussing with their clothes, laughter on their lips as music bustled from inside of Brett's car. "He just doesn't enjoy showing that he cares about most of the other people."

"So I've noticed." Evelyn declared, her voice gaining Clarissa's attention fully. She couldn't help but notice how beautiful she looked. Beautiful but dangerous in her all black ensemble, curled hair springing to life on top of her head. "You adore him."

"He consumes my every thought, some days at least." Her words were soft but full of emotion as she looked at the older woman, not truly seeing her though.

Her mind was far away, thoughts only of the tall male with eyes full of compassion and a heart full of anger. Theo was like her drug, an urge to be with him that was so fierce that she felt like all of her control was slipping from her grasp when he wasn't around. She didn't realize before how long she craved to be with him, how starved she was for his affection.

Her emotions were slamming down to the metaphorical ground at an alarming rate and a part of her was afraid that he wouldn't be waiting there at the bottom to catch her when she fell.

"You're afraid of loving him."

"I'm afraid that I could love him to ruins." The blue eyed girl whispered, a tremor in her voice. She was far away in her mind, not at the boisterous club that awaited their arrival. "That if I choose to care about him in that way, that someone would use it against us."

Monstrous ➙ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now