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one more chapter and the epilogue left to go then it's season six. i'm honestly excited for that one because clarissa is going to have a whole lot to do with 6B and 6A is going to be a whirlwind of emotion.

Clarissa felt like they were running out of time and she had no idea how to stop it.

She had not moved from her spot of staring at Tracey and she couldn't help but wonder if she could have done something different with the girl. Theo was killing her, that much she knew, but she also knew that she couldn't let the girl threaten her brother again.

Tears of remorse had streamed down her face after she had listened to Deucalion lead Theo out of the room and had finally subsided after a while. She didn't know how long she had been sitting there but she knew that she needed to get up and shake off her inner demons so that she could help her friends save Mason.

The sound of footsteps entering the building made her raise an eyebrow, especially when she recognized Hayden's scent, but the second scent that entered the building made her push herself up hastily. She had caught a whiff of it earlier when they had been in the forest and she couldn't imagine why he was with Hayden of all people.

"Hayden." Clarissa declared lowly as the pair became visible above her. She could see that the young girl was shaking softly and Clarissa felt a protective urge rise up inside of her at the sight of it. On one hand Clarissa had liked Hayden before and then coming back had changed them all so much but Clarissa knew that she had done a lot of damage to the girl and she looked at her like a threat. On the other hand, Clarissa knew that Hayden was still a teenager that she needed to protect from the bigger threat that was smirking from behind her. "I see you've picked up a stray."

"You're Clarissa." The older man spoke up and Clarissa instantly picked up on the French accent that laced his words. His voice was smooth and silky, almost as if he could use it to lure people into a trap with the seductive quality that it held. She watched as he tilted his head to observe her, the smirk that was on his face deepening as she made herself stand taller underneath his gaze. "You also go by Clary. Mason is very fond of you."

"I'm very fond of him too." Clarissa's voice was cold as she responded to him and she decided that she would never take her eyes off of him as long as he was in the room with her because if she did, she would be laying in a pool of her own blood again. "Which is why I would appreciate it if you would get out of his body. I think you've officially overstayed your welcome."

"The youth of today." The man clicked his tongue as he stared at her, his chilling eyes never leaving her as he moved down the steps. "So arrogant and demanding."

"I prefer the terms charismatic and charming." Clarissa declared warily as the man approached her and she noticed Hayden slowly following behind the man. "Kind of like Marie-Jeanne? She was your sister wasn't she, before she impaled you on a spear and married into the Argent family?"

"You seem to know of my family history." The smirk had wiped off of his face as he processed her words. She knew that she was playing with fire by mentioning his sister that was related to her late friend, but she also needed to throw him off so that she could get herself and Hayden out of the building unscathed.

"I know that you planned to kill your own sister when she was leading the hunting party that was looking for you." Clarissa taunted the man with a beaming grin, her feet shuffling lightly on the ground as Hayden finally made it to where she was standing. The auburn-haired teenager slowly moved in front of the girl, ignoring the way that her eyes were focused on Tracey's body. "I don't know how things worked in your time but in this time, killing your siblings is frowned upon."

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