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Clarissa shook in anticipation as the clock neared four-thirty. She had been sitting in the library with her pack since the school day had finally been released but she had made plans to catch up with her childhood friend after the group's study session.

Her fingers furiously tapped against the mahogany table for the second time that day as she watched Corey stand in the corner of the library. He had been talking to a male close to his age that sent a shiver down Clarissa's spine when he leaned dangerously close to her friend.

She knew that his name was Lucas and her eyes narrowed dangerously as the sight of his cocky smirk towards the younger boy. She had seen him hanging around her younger friend over the summer as the older girl took her brother and his friends to the movies or to Sinema but he seemed shy; unlike the cocky and threatening behavior that he wore like a coat now.

An inaudible growl bubbled in her chest at the sight of Lucas gripping Corey's hand possessively and her eyes narrowed even further at her friend's worried frown. A book slammed off of the shelf above the couple, landing directly against the darker boy's head. Clarissa let out a snort of amusement at the sight near her and she praised whoever had pushed the book away from the shelf.

"Clarissa." Kira muttered lowly, eyes observing her friend in slight worry. "What are you looking at?"

"I don't like the way that Lucas is looking at Corey." Clarissa didn't turn her head from the scene. She knew she should be ready to leave the library to meet Theo but she was protective of the younger boy. "It's almost animalistic."

"Who's Corey?" Malia questioned the dark haired girl suddenly as Stiles came barreling into the library.

Clarissa's azure eyes rolled in annoyance as the brunette came to a quick stop beside her, his hands slapping two pieces of paper on the table. She leaned into the table quietly, her eyes darting over the papers in curiosity.

"So you found something?" Scott inquired as Stiles pointed at the first paper roughly in accomplishment.

"Another signature." Stiles was watching his friends quietly. His eyes met the unamused blue ones that Clarissa Bane donned and a shiver ran down his spine at the malicious smirk she had on her face. "This is Theo's dad's signature on a speeding ticket from eight years ago and this is his dad's signature on a transfer form to Beacon Hills High School from just a few days ago."

"Stiles, do we need to have a repeat of the locker room performance again?" Clarissa gritted out from her clenched jaw. Her fingers began to tap against the table in a faster pace as she watched the boy squirm in her eyesight. "First you accuse Theo and now Jonathan Raeken is a suspect? The man used to make brownies for little league games."

"How did you get his transfer form?" Kira questioned, eyes meeting Clarissa's unamused ones from across the table.

Scott's eyes widened in shock as he watched the death glare that Clarissa was shooting towards his best friend. He clicked his own as the thought struck him suddenly. "You didn't break into the Administration Office?"

"No, I did not break into the Administration Office." Stiles reasoned quickly.

Clarissa's smirk deepened as she watched the boy try to reason with the pack. She pulled the two pieces of paper towards her in thought, they did look somewhat different but she couldn't place her finger on what it could be. "So the secretary just let you walk out with someone else's personal information?"

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