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"They're back in school."

Clarissa's eyes moved slowly towards her brother before moving back to the teenage boy that was rifling through his locker like nothing was wrong. She could see Stiles' shoulders and the muscles that were tensed underneath his shirt. He knew that they were observing him from down the hallway.

"Theo has a plan." She lowly declared as Corey shifted uncomfortably at the mention of her boyfriend. "And this, what we're doing, is all part of it."

"I don't know how I feel about this." Corey declared hesitantly, crossing his arms over his chest as he shared a look with his unofficial brother. "It could go wrong and Evie is already worried enough about all of us because of the fifteen foot beast that's running around town."

"Evelyn knows her orders." Clarissa grumbled uncertainly, her eyes narrowing as Stiles turned his head and their eyes met from across the hallway.

She felt slightly bad about including the teenage boy in her plan because of their friendship that had all but been destroyed by her allegiance to Theo. Everyone had a part to play and Clarissa didn't care about what happened to her as long as the people she loved were safe, Stiles and the sheriff included.

"Why do you sound like a war general?" Her brother commented casually but Clarissa could hear the worry masked in his tone. "You're acting like Beacon Hills is about to become a war zone."

"It already is." Clarissa declared lowly, her voice void of emotion as Stiles continued to stare her down from across the hallway. She raised an eyebrow at him in question, wondering if he would back down from her intense look. "They created that thing. They made us what we are and I want them to pay for it."

"Theo was helping them." Corey said with hesitation seeping from his pores and Clarissa felt a stab of anger hit her as she remembered that they boy had been involved in the plan.

Clarissa ignored the boy's small mumble, feeling the anger deflate as quickly as it came to her. She shifted her eyes away from Stiles as three of the towns deputies walked down the hallway towards the main doors, armed and loaded for battle against a creature that they could not fight. It was funny to her, honestly, how the people of this town seemed so oblivious to the ungodly truth that was right beneath their noses.

The speaker system blared to life, indistinguishable chatter and buzzing flowing from it before it finally cleared up to reveal the voice of the vice principal.

"By order of the Sheriff, a county-wide curfew goes into effect tonight at sundown. All after-school activities are canceled until further notice. Students should go directly home at the end of the school day."

She followed them with her eyes, eyebrow quirking as Stiles tapped on one of their shoulders and pulled him away from the group.

"You don't think this is a bit much in terms of firepower for a high school?" Clarissa heard Stiles question the deputy and a grin split across her face as a plan formed inside of her head.

"Your Dad's the one that issued us these things, and he wouldn't officially say why." The deputy declared lowly, his eyes moving around the hallway and meeting Clarissa's own wandering stare before turning away to look back at the two boys in front of him.

Clarissa crossed her arms across her chest as Scott looked at her with a questioning gaze and then around her at the two younger teenagers that flanked her sides, looking for Theo where he wouldn't be found. He shook his head at her, disappointment flashing in his eyes at the way that her brow cocked up in amusement.

Monstrous ➙ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now