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She was beginning to hate the secrets that were building up like a tower around her. She didn't enjoy hiding the supernatural from her parents who probably would demand for them to run from the wretched town. She didn't enjoy that she couldn't get ahold of Theo to tell him about her newfound powers. She needed to protect Corey as best as she could, keeping his current status away from the pack that she had been thrust into. The secrets were building up like blocks and one by one they would eventually fall down.

Her eyes narrowed as they viewed the cover of the book that was resting in Lydia's smooth palm. She knew the creatures on the cover as she had seen them twice by now but her head pounded almost like a memory was trying to resurface while she looked at the battered cover. It was concerning to her, the fact that she couldn't remember where else she had seen the people that were plaguing her mind but she wasn't as afraid as she should be.

She was an anomaly in the supernatural world, an experiment that she couldn't even remember occurring to her. Clarissa knew that she and Corey weren't like the other chimeras, a word that Scott had dubbed the supernatural experiments, as they didn't appear to have the urge to maim and kill the people around them; more so than normal since Clarissa usually had the urge to bash the heads of Stiles and Scott against a locker for their idiocy.

She could feel Malia's curious eyes on her as she strutted towards the double doors that led from the courtyard to the school but she was confused, Stiles wasn't at Sinema so that must mean Scott had filled the brunette in on what happened. "Just take a picture. It would last so much longer than you constantly watching me with those adorable confused eyes."

"We don't have time for you two to get into an argument." Lydia grumbled, her eyes on the book in her hand. She glanced up slowly towards the teenage next to her with a look of extreme irritation painted on her features. "Yes, we do know that you are some kind of freak experiment. Scott filled us in last night."

"Lyds, I forgot you had such a way with words." Clarissa snapped, crossing her arms over her chest after they pushed through the doors into the bustling hallway. "Yes, I can move things with my hands and I could also rip out your jugular with a set of claws. I wouldn't let Stiles get near me, Malia. I might just test it out on him."

A low growl erupted from the base of Malia's throat, unknowing that the blonde was half teasing in her threat towards the spastic boy. Lydia rolled her eyes at the pair, earning a smirk from the shivering girl as she held up the boom in her hand. "The Dread Doctors by T.R. McCammon."

Her eyes darted around the hallway in search of her friend, not paying attention to the way that the strawberry blonde's eyes glazed over at the book. She hit a hard surface suddenly, colliding with the werecoyote in the center of the hallway. The brunette shot her a cold look before staring at the girl engrossed by the book in her hands. "What?"

"I don't know. There's something about it." Lydia muttered, beginning to walk down the bustling hallway once more. The duo behind her shared a confused glance before trailing after her fast moving form. "Has anyone actually read it yet?"

"Just me." Malia declared loudly, earning a few glances from the surrounding students. Clarissa rolled her eyes at the lack of tact that the brunette girl had concerning the supernatural and at the rate they were going, Clarissa was counting down the days until hunters showed up on her front porch with a gun pointed at her chest. "And I didn't understand any of it."

"Do you understand anything?" Clarissa snipped out, strutting further away from the pair. She could almost make out the figure that she had begun to search for but lost sight of him quickly. She shot a perfectly placed smile towards the brunette, almost feeling remorse for her actions. "Sorry. I just didn't get much sleep last night."

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