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"I'm not stepping one foot into that hellhole." Clarissa Bane snapped, crossing her arms across her chest as she stared at the person in front of her. She had cornered her brother after his last period class, effectively dragging him towards the back of the school to discuss the the pack of teenagers' plan; who she dubbed completely insane in that moment. "I refuse."

"I don't blame you." Delcan muttered as he watched her pace in front of him. Clarissa felt like a caged animal under his scrutiny, but she tried to ignore him as he watched her. "Breaking into Eichen House has to be one of their worst plans yet."

"Oh no." Clarissa declared mockingly with a subtle shake of her head. Her laughter was unamused, coming out of her mouth in short bursts of monotonous harmony. "This is a six on a scale to twelve on the worst plans list. We sacrificed three people to face a dark druid. That wasn't even the worst thing we've done."

"Scott told you he wanted you to go because of your abilities?" Delcan inquired softly, knowing that she would hear him. She did hear him, but she was inherently furious with the teenage alpha who believed that she would be an asset to them when they broke into the mental facility.

"I don't even know how to control this." Clarissa grumbled, running her hands through her frizzy curls. She could feel the grass squish underneath the soles of her tennis shoes but the patch of mud was an odd sight for her to see because Beacon Hills hadn't see rain for a few days. "I could kill someone because I don't know how to control this."

"Calm down." Delcan soothed, his back pressing against the bleachers as he faced her. "You're not a weapon that they can use whenever they'd like."

"Theo warned me about this." Clarissa mumbled while taking a step towards the teenage boy leaning against the cool bleachers of the lacrosse field. The wind was whipping against them as they stood in the humid air that was becoming a common reoccurrence  with the volatile weather in Beacon County. She had a frown etched on her face as she recalled the conversation that the pair had in their precalculus class. "He warned me that they would try to get me to go because I can do these things now. They had never included me in plans before now."

"You're not a weapon, Clary." Delcan declared, pushing off the bleachers to stand in front of his sister. He offered her a sad smile, placing his hands on her shoulders to effectively stop her worried pacing.

"No Delcan, I'm a monster."  Clarissa muttered, eyes staring at the tall form that towered over her. She was full of emotions as she stared at him. Her little brother was growing up in front of her eyes and it scared her. Him growing up in the supernatural world would ruin him one day and while she was fully on board with her brother pursing the werewolf from another school, she wasn't on board with him getting hurt. "I'm a science experiment that could explode one day."

"Not all monsters do monstrous things, Lis." Delcan declared seriously, earning a dead laugh from his older sister. Her face twisted up in a sort of sick amusement that brought a curious look to cross his face.

"Lydia said that once before. It was during the deadpool to Meredith Walker." Clarissa declared softly, reminiscing the memories that bombarded her mind that was tearing apart at the seams. She watched him, watched the confused expression on his face grow slightly understanding but still confused. "Monsters are born but sometimes they can be created. Peter Hale was turned into the man he is today because hunters burned his family to the ground. Deucalion was forged into the monster by Gerard Argent and then he ruined people to make his perfect pack. What if those people doing this to me, makes me a monster one day?"

Monstrous ➙ Theo RaekenWhere stories live. Discover now