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April 5, 2003

      Eleven year old Clarissa Bane giggled loudly from her spot next to her babysitter and her nine year old brother, her legs swinging back and forth against the cool metal of the bleacher that she was sitting on.

"Paige." Nine year old Declan Bane whined loudly. His body was flopped between the seats of the bleachers, a frown on his face as Clarissa watched the baseball field in front of them with her full attention. "When are Derek, Tara, and Lydia going to be back?"

"I don't know, sweetheart." The raven haired sixteen year old mumbled quietly, her eyes darting towards the concession stand and bathrooms. "They should be back soon."

This had gained Clarissa's attention, her eyes wide at the thought that the two people would make it back after the little league game started.

"They're going to miss it!" Clarissa exclaimed dramatically, her hands coming up to clutch the side of her long auburn pigtails in frustration. "They can't miss Theo's first game. Jackson said he's really good!"

"They won't miss anything, Lissy." The older teenager laughed loudly, her hands moving up to untangle the small fists that Clarissa had made around her hair and gently fixed the long strands that had become tangled. "Look, I see the boys on the field."

Clarissa's eyes moved quickly towards the field in wonder only an eleven year old girl could possess, a beaming gap-toothed grin overtaking her face as her eyes landed on the three boys that she had come to see play.

She could see Jackson and Danny talking to Theo, their faces smiling as they leaned against the new wooden baseball bats that they had been given by Jackson's father. Her eyes moved to the side of the field where Stiles and Scott were staring at the trio in jealously and a steely look overtook her features at the sight of them.

The young girl turned towards her babysitter in worry, tugging at the brightly colored top that covered her torso. "How am I going to cheer them on at the same time? I can't show one more love than the other."

"They all know how much you worship the ground they walk on, Clary." A male voice declared in amusement and Clarissa's worried look was quickly replaced by another gap toothed grin as she looked at Derek. The older brunette offered her the soda that she had asked for and a bag of candy with a sly wink, gesturing for her to keep quiet as Paige dug in her bag and payed them little attention.

"Aha." Paige mumbled quietly, yanking the object from her bag and turning to Clarissa with a sad smile. She held her inhaler in her hand, offering it up to the small girl who looked at the object in disdain. "You know you need to keep this on you during these games. The doctor said you're getting too worked up and you need to use it if it gets hard to breathe."

Clarissa took the small object and sat it in her lap, knowing that she would most likely not need the yellow object but would do it if it made Paige happy. She smiled up at the raven haired girl in adoration and knew that she would want to grow up to be like her one day.

"Tara, come help me hold up Theo's sign." Delcan yelled in excitement, perking up from beside his sister as the brunette smiled at him and hopped up the metal bleachers with harsh clangs.

Clarissa rolled her blue eyes as Derek sat down next to Paige and took the older teenager's attention away from herself and the game that was beginning to start. Her hands reached down for the thin piece of poster board that she and Lydia had decorated at their last playdate, pulling it up and offering the other side for her female best friend to hold.

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