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"You are spineless and brainless, Stiles Stilinski." Clarissa fumed as she chased after Liam and Stiles towards the blue monstrosity of a vehicle that the sheriff's son drove.

Theo had given her a kiss on the forehead and told her to be easy on the boys because they should have been suspicious but she just frowned and shot him an apologetic look before storming after the two boys; leaving him behind to comprehend what had happened.

She was having a difficult time chasing after the boys who were shaking from the wrath flowing from her body; the mud slipped against her boots while she stalked after them making it difficult to keep up with their long strides. Her mind couldn't comprehend the idiocy that they had when she saw them following behind the pair as they grieved their fallen family.

Tara Raeken was in all honesty Clarissa's little sister; even in death. The wind whipped around her angrily, leaving chills down her spine at the power that she could feel in the air. She was an angry human being but the malevolent thoughts that were running through her brain didn't feel like they were hers. All the emotions that she had bottled up were finally beginning to spill over; her rage and sadness was boiling at an all time high. "The jellyfish that we dissected in biology have more of spine than you."

"I know." Stiles snapped back, his tone full of shame at the actions that had transpired in the past hour. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not the one you need to apologize to." Clarissa muttered, finally catching up to the two boys. Her hand gripped the stretchy material of the hoodie Stiles was wearing and yanked harshly against it. The boy stumbled to a halt, the only reason he was still standing being the sixteen year old beta who had gripped his arm. Clarissa's eyes widened in shock from her actions, she had never expected the tug to be that strong against his neck. Stiles gasped for breath in front of her, meeting her glossed over eyes that were flaming with rage. "Don't accuse him at this place. Not where she died."

"Clary." Stiles mumbled, his eyes sad while looking the shaking girl in front of him; Clarissa was hiding her sadness behind her rage. His feet moved before he could comprehend what he was doing. His arms wrapped around her shaking frame, pulling her into him as the wind picked up its whirling pace. "I'm sorry. This is important to you too."

"He just got back and couldn't face it without me." Clarissa muttered against his shoulder. She felt Liam's sad eyes on her but she couldn't bring herself to care as she squeezed her arms around the person she was supposed to be mad at. She needed this contact, the feel of someone hugging her and telling her it would be okay when she knew it wouldn't be. "I can't let you wreck this place. Not when it's one of the only things I have left of her."

Stiles pulled away from the girl, leaving his hands against her shoulders with a saddened smile gracing his features. He watched somberly while she moved her hand to her neck to grasp the locket that he had seen hanging around it for as long as he'd known her. "I didn't know. I'm so sorry, Clary."

"Never come here again." Her voice was hollow, tinged with grief at the thoughts that were racing through her mind. "He's Theo. He's always been Theo."

Liam shot the older boy a look of disbelief while moving towards the pair. He gripped Clarissa's shoulders softly while pulling her slowly down the path again. "Let's get you home."

Clarissa nodded slowly, her mind in pieces. She was furious with the boys. She needed to keep  that in her mind because they intruded on a moment that was too special; too personal between her and Theo. Her overlying sadness was pushing over her anger though. She had bottled up her feelings about Tara for years, shoving them behind the loss of Allison and her innocence. So as the tears slipped down her face, she cried for them all; Tara, Allison, Boyd, Erica, and anyone else who lost their innocence to the supernatural world that she was breaking in after so long.

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