Im what they

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IMPORTANT!!!The following contains graphic scenes and gore. If you are sensitive to these topics I recommend you change fanfics.

Also the picture above is an AI generated image...I made this for reference of what I think my character looks like in my head but you are free too imagine your own!

Takes place: Before the paranormal liberation invasion of the heroes. (P.s tomera shigaraki Is still in a deep sleep)


"Today we are at the gates of UA a highly prestige hero Academy!! We have heard rumors of a missing young girl Y\N L/N she seems to have disappeared out of thin air!!!" The broadcaster announced over the tv. "We have heard nothing from her teacher or comrades but there's also tale of this young girl being a traitor! Much like the other minor Himoka Toga that disappeared a few months ago, not short after was  Conspiring with the league of villains! If this is true that the girl everyone thought they knew has warped into another many more is next?" The woman said shortly then the channel flipping back to some wanna be villain attack. 


( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛) Time skip: >1 year later<

  You were darting down an alley way looking for a way to get out of this mess without being caught...dammit the heroes were right on your tail and you needed to get out of the perimeter of the crime you just committed. You pumped your legs harder the area surrounding you becoming a bright blur....SHIT!!!! Is that a helicopter?! You have to keep moving your even though your lungs begged you too stop, but during the extra adrenaline boost your hood flew off the clasp exposing your face to the aircraft above. You had jumped a few stories high using your bubble quirk and were now in a very high place. How could I tell? My hair was in my mouth and matted to my face.

(Dont worry there's a better quirk explanation coming!)

You knew there were live cameras on that helicopter and now everyone knew your face...including UA, I can only imagine what some of them must be thinking right now...'Y/N?! She was so innocent!' What. Bullshit. They chased me to the edge of the skyscraper I turned and looked to face them. It was the heroes edge shot and gun head, "Hold on we just want to talk!" One of them barked over the sound of air whipping around us. I glared at them, they may have my face but they will not have the satisfaction of having my voice even if it means nothing. They seem to understand I'm not going to speak and gun head points his barrel right at me. Come on I growl at them in my head. Shoot. Me..I give them a cold stare.

One of them hesitates and takes a step closer causing me to back up as well I could practically feel gravity calling my name. A look of fear danced across his face as I lingered close to the edge. I looked down at my laces for some odd reason and saw they were untied...dammit...I hunched over to tie my shoes holding up a 'give me a minute' finger.  Predicting this Edgeshot fired his quirk trying to entrap me...I sigh and roll my eyes. They never listen do they? I did a back hand spring jumping off the building, I smirked at both of the the millisecond before plummeting to my certain death. 

Just kidding~ 

I used my bubble quirk and enclosed my body in it causing me too float a few feet below the concrete surface. I quickly recover from the thrill and dart into the cities shadows making my way to the dingy apartment.

When I got there I could feel the anxiety practically seeping through the roof, they saw my face..

They saw my face...

They saw it!

They saw everything!!!


​​​​​My body began to break a cold sweat as I realized everyone I used to put on a screen for now knows the real me, the person they call monster.

Tears began to form in my eyes for the first time in forever, the memories as to why I started this! Why I became the monster everyone expected me to be. I could barely breath as the painful thought rushed in like a tidal wave.

>Flash back< 

I was humming and playing with the toys my mother had gotten me when I was just four... They were old and some of them rusted but they were still good enough for a eight year old like me to play with...the front door slammed open and I quickly became in a state of panic as I hid in my closet and waited for my drunk father to go to his room or the living room. I heard his heaving stumbling footsteps approach my door "sweetheart let me in~" he chimed I didn't budge knowing even as a child his toxic behavior. 

A heavy thud slammed against my door "I SAID LET ME IN YOU LITTLE BITCH" He slurred breaking the handle and entering my room. He truly was insane...ever since mother died from the backlash of her quirk dad lost all sense of reasoning and became more violent by the second. "Ohhh y/n~ were are you??~" he purred reminding me of the happy times me and him used to have, playing hide and seek together. I missed my father...this wasn't him. This was a monster. He thrashed open the closet door and dragged my out by my legs jumping on top of me and slamming my body to the ground. "You look just like your mother~" he purred trying to touch me. I kicked and I screamed trying to get the man I called my father off of my little eight year old body.

He began touching me and trying to pry my little sun dress off, I screamed and activated something in my body causing it to vibrate. My 'father' didn't seem to notice though until it was too late, sharp needle like pins melted into reality and stabbed him in the heart...blood drizzled on my face and my big e/c eyes watched in horror as the man I called my father peeked through one last time... Through the alcohol... The drugs...the smoking...I looked deep inside him and could see his smile the one he used to make when mother cooked in the kitchen or I played outside...It was him, but the light quickly faded as his eyes became lifeless and his body slumped over. His body trapping me under him. For days...maybe weeks I watched and felt my father deteriorate on me. The earth slowly removing any trace of him.

>Flash back ended<

(Sorry you guys that was a tough chapter. If it was triggering I apologize I understand it was a bit far.)

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